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NEW (02/09/2024):  the resolution modifying the amounts of the Erasmus Internship grants for the 2024-2025 academic year has been published, according to which the University of Valencia is increasing the amount of the individual aid for participants by 75 euros per month over the basic amounts initially provided for in the call. The table published below already contains the updated amounts that include this increase.


1. The Erasmus Internship scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year includes aid for a minimum of 2 months of internships and a maximum of 12 months.

In the 2024-2025 call there have been changes regarding the classification of countries, and therefore the financial aid to be received according to the country of destination. Austria, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and the Netherlands rise from group 2 to group 1. Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and the Czech Republic rise from group 3 to group 2. This represents an increase in financial aid for these destinations. The monthly amount of aid depends on the country where the internship is carried out, according to the following table:

Group 1 Austria, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands and Sweden. 575 €
Group 2 Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Czech Republic. 525 €
Group 3 Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey. 475 €


2. Additional aid for students in disadvantaged environments of 250 euros per month. This amount is added to the corresponding scholarship amount per country group. The following circumstances are included:

  • The students with a scholarship from the Ministry in the 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 academic year
  • Disabled
  • Large or single-parent family
  • Victim of terrorism
  • Victim of gender violence

3. New financial aid to cover travel expenses based on the distance between the University of Valencia and the place where the corresponding stay takes place. The amount is fixed and the distance will be determined using the European Union's one-way distance calculator, accessible at the following address:



Way to pay

Payment of the scholarship will be made to the bank account that the student has provided when accepting the scholarship.

A first payment, corresponding to 70% of the total amount of the scholarship, will be made at the time the student joins the company, and once the documentation specified in the sections "before leaving" and "upon arrival at the host institution" of Useful Documents.

The second payment, corresponding to the remaining 30%, will be paid once the stay is over and the procedures specified in the "upon your return" section of Useful Documents have been carried out.




Students who opt for an "Ecological Displacement" to travel to the country of destination may request additional aid.

1. What is considered ecological displacement?

Ecological travel is understood as sustainable transport, in which low-emission means of transport are used for most of the trip. The European Commission exclusively considers ecological travel that carried out by bus, rail, bicycle or vehicle sharing. The trip must include both the round trip and the return trip.

2. How can I request it?

Beneficiaries of an Erasmus + aid who carry out an ecological trip have to justify it by means of bus or train tickets or another similar document that can be fuel, motorway ticket, etc. Round-trip tickets must be presented at the end of mobility.

3. Where do I have to provide the supporting documents?

The supporting documentation of having carried out an ecological displacement must be added to the "Erasmus Practices 2024-2025" procedure of the Online Office UV.

4. What does the aid consist of?

Beneficiaries who make an ecological journey will receive the financial aid included in point 4 of the document "Ecological Displacement".



Students and students who have a recognized disability percentage equal to or greater than 33% can request Inclusion Support Aid based on the real cost accredited with invoices. People who, given their duly accredited physical, mental or health situation, need additional financial help can also request this help. They will also receive a supplement of 250 euros/more as students in a disadvantaged situation. This last supplement is incompatible with the supplement with the help of disadvantaged environments (MEC scholarship, disability, large family, single parent, victims of gender violence, victims of terrorism).

Students with a disability equal to or greater than 33% and interested persons can request to receive information by sending an email to the address "pagos.erasmus@uv.es". We also recommend that you contact the Disability Support Unit

The application procedure and forms were probably published in November 2024


Last update: 02/09/2024




The Erasmus Internship scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year includes aid for a minimum of 2 months of internships and a maximum of 12 months. 

The monthly amount of the aid depends on the country where the internship is carried out, according to the following table:

Group 1 Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden. 500 €
Group 2 Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal. 450 €
Group 3 Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey. 400 €


In addition, students from disadvantaged backgrounds (beneficiaries of a general scholarship from the Ministry of Education in the 2022/2023 academic year or the 2023/2024 academic year) will receive an additional aid of 250 euros per month.

Beneficiaries of this additional aid due to the Ministry's grant holder status do not have to present any document. The Universitat de València has this information and will apply the aid directly to the two payments of the scholarship, after the list of beneficiary students has been previously published on this web page.

Way to pay

Payment of the scholarship will be made to the bank account that the student has provided when accepting the scholarship.

A first payment, corresponding to 70% of the total amount of the scholarship, will be made at the time the student joins the company, and once the documentation specified in the sections "before leaving" and "upon arrival at the host institution" of Useful Documents.

The second payment, corresponding to the remaining 30%, will be paid once the stay is over and the procedures specified in the "upon your return" section of Useful Documents have been carried out.




Students who opt for an "Ecological Displacement" to travel to the country of destination may request additional aid.

1. What is considered ecological displacement?

Ecological travel is understood as sustainable transport, in which low-emission means of transport are used for most of the trip. The European Commission exclusively considers ecological travel to be carried out by bus, train or shared use of vehicles.

2. How can I request it?

Beneficiaries of an Erasmus + aid who carry out an ecological trip have to justify it by means of bus or train tickets or another similar document that can be fuel, motorway ticket, etc. Round-trip tickets must be presented at the end of mobility.

3. Where do I have to provide the supporting documents?

The supporting documentation of having carried out an ecological displacement must be added to the "Erasmus Practices 2023-2024" procedure of the Online Office UV.

4. What does the aid consist of?

Beneficiaries who make an ecological journey will receive €50 in travel aid for a round trip, and the amount of 4 additional days of individual aid.



Students who have a recognized percentage of disability equal to or greater than 33% can request Inclusion Support Aid based on the real cost accredited with invoices. They will also receive a supplement of 250 euros/more as students in a disadvantaged situation. This last supplement is incompatible with the supplement for having been a general scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education or for refugee status.

The student with a disability equal to or greater than 33% and interested persons can request to receive information by sending an email to the address "pagos.erasmus@uv.es". We also recommend that you contact the Disability Support Unit.

The application procedure and forms were probably published by November 2023


Last update:  07/06/2023