Universitat de ValènciaFacultat d'Infermeria Logo del portal

  • CG1: Have public speaking skills.
  • CG2: Be able to provide comprehensive and professional nursing care that is appropriate to the health needs of the person, family and community being cared of, from the recognition of the citizens' right to health, and in accordance with the current state of development of scientific knowledge and with the quality and safety standards established in applicable legal and deontological regulations.
  • CG3: Recognise the right to health, apply the principle of social equity to professional practice and understand the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • CG4: Understand a person's interactive behaviour based on gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context.
  • CG5: Reflect on the importance of gender analysis in health, and understand how, depending on lifestyles, the use of time and working conditions have an impact on people's health.
  • CG6: Know and interpret the conceptual framework of gender, as well as the normative and institutional framework related to equal opportunities between women and men.
  • CG7: Analyse and reflect on the consequences of being a woman and a man in the process of getting sick, the differential attention received and the specific way of dealing with pain and illness.
  • CG8: Understand people, considering them from a holistic perspective as autonomous and independent beings, act without prejudice, ensure respect for their opinions, beliefs and values and guarantee their right to privacy through professional secrecy and confidentiality.
  • CG9: Encourage and respect the patient's right to be involved, informed, independent and to give informed consent when decisions are taken, in accordance with their experience of the process of health-illness and death.
  • CG10: Know and apply the code of ethics of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing world context.
  • CG11: Work as a team, understood as a basic unit into which professionals and other workers of health care organisations are integrated, structured and organised in single- or multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary teams, as a way of ensuring the quality of health care.
  • CG12: Maintain and update professional skills, with particular emphasis on independent learning of new knowledge and skills and motivation for quality in health care.
  • CG13: Propose and develop health care actions that privilege health promotion and disease prevention, and that aim to improve the living conditions of the population.
  • CG14: Know and apply the theoretical and methodological foundations and principles of nursing, for the promotion and protection of health, the prevention of illness and the comprehensive care of people, in order to improve the quality of life of the population.
  • CG15: Recognise the essential elements of professional practice in the care of individuals, families and the community.
  • CG16: Base nursing interventions on scientific evidence and available means.
  • CG17: Plan and provide nursing care for individuals, families or groups, focusing on health results and evaluating its impact, using guides to clinical practice and care that set out the processes involved in the diagnosis, treatment or care of a health problem.
  • CG18: Design care systems for individuals, families or groups, focusing on health results, evaluating their impact and implementing appropriate changes.
  • CG19: Encourage and respect the patient's right to be involved, informed and independent when decisions are taken, in accordance with their experience of the process of health, illness and death.
  • CG20: Protect the health and welfare of the individuals, families and groups being cared of, guaranteeing comprehensive care.
  • CG21: Promote healthy lifestyles that encourage self-care among individuals, families and communities.
  • CG22: Provide nursing care based on integrated healthcare principles, involving multi-professional cooperation, process integration and continuity of care, in coordination with all the levels of healthcare and other social and health resources and services.
  • CG23: Know the strategies to provide comfort and alleviate symptoms, aimed at the patient, the family and the non-professional caregiver, in the administration of palliative care in situations of advanced or terminal illness.
  • CG24: Offer health education actions using strategies that are appropriate to individuals, families and communities, making scientific information and recommendations available to the population in an understandable language.
  • CG25: Plan, organise and evaluate training activities for nurses and other health professionals.
  • CG26: Establish truthful, effective and respectful communication with patients, family, social groups, other professionals and the media, both orally and in writing, and promote health education.
  • CG27: Know and apply communication techniques and tools from a non-sexist perspective, both in interpersonal relationships and in group dynamics.
  • CG28: Know the structure, operation and financing of the health and social-health systems, in order to make optimal use of the available resources.
  • CG29: Establish evaluation procedures applying scientific-technical and quality principles.
  • CG30: Know and use the different health information systems.
  • CG31: Identify the biological, demographic, environmental, social, economic, cultural, psychological and gender determinants of health, and analyse their influence on the living and working conditions of the population and their impact on the health-disease process.
  • CG32: Identify community participation as an essential element for the development of health promotion, and participate in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of healthy public policies and intersectoral projects that strengthen local development.
  • CG33: Understand, critically asses and know how to use sources of clinical, biomedical and health information to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and epidemiological information.
  • CG34: Apply information and communication technologies in clinical, therapeutic, preventive, health promotion and research activities.
  • CG35: Have a critical, creative, constructive and research-oriented point of view in professional practice.
  • CG36: Understand the importance and limitations of scientific thinking for the study, prevention and management of people's health.
  • CG37: Acquire basic training for research, identifying the elements and phases of the research process.
  • CG38: Be able to formulate hypotheses and to gather and critically assess information to resolve problems by applying, among others, the gender approach.