Universitat de ValènciaFacultat d'Infermeria Logo del portal

  • CE1: Know the use and suitability of health products linked to nursing care, paying special attention to differences according to age and gender.
  • CE2: Know and identify the structure and function of the human body. Understand the molecular and physiological basis of cells and tissues. Know the specific biological characteristics (chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal, brain dimorphic and genital differentiation).
  • CE3: Know the different groups of medicines, the principles of authorisation, their use and indication and their mechanisms of action. Know the use of medicines, evaluating the expected benefits and associated risks and/or the side effects derived from their administration and consumption according to gender difference.
  • CE4: Know and assess the nutritional needs of healthy people and of those with health problems, throughout the life cycle and according to physical activity, in order to promote and reinforce healthy eating behaviour patterns. Identify the nutrients and the foods in which they are found. Identify the most prevalent nutritional problems in women and men and select appropriate dietary recommendations.
  • CE5: Implement health care information and communication technologies and systems.
  • CE6: Know the physiopathological processes and their manifestations and the risk factors that determine the states of health and disease in the different stages of the life cycle according to gender.
  • CE7: Identify people's psychosocial responses to different health situations (in particular, illness and suffering), selecting the appropriate actions to provide help in these situations. Establish an empathic and respectful relationship with the patient and family, according to the person's situation, health problem and stage of development. Use strategies and skills that enable effective communication.
  • CE8: Be able to recognise situations where life is in danger and to perform basic and advanced life-saving techniques.
  • CE9: Understand and identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence to train students in the prevention, early detection, care and rehabilitation of the victims of this type of violence.
  • CE10: Identify, integrate and relate the concepts of health and care, from a historical perspective, in order to understand the evolution of nursing care.
  • CE11: Understand the evolution of the central concepts that make up the nursing discipline from an ontological and epistemological perspective, as well as the most relevant theoretical models, applying scientific methodology in the process of providing care and implementing the corresponding care plans.
  • CE12: Apply the nursing process to provide and guarantee the well-being, quality and safety of the people being cared of.
  • CE13: Know and apply the principles behind comprehensive nursing care.
  • CE14: Direct, evaluate and provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, family and community.
  • CE15: Be able to describe the foundations of the primary health care level and the activities to be developed to provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, family and community. Understand the role and activities and cooperative attitude that the professional must adopt within a primary health care team. Promote the involvement of individuals and groups in their health-disease process.
  • CE16: Know the health alterations of the adult person, identifying the manifestations that appear in the different stages. Identify care needs arising from health problems. Analyse the data collected in the assessment, prioritise the adult patient's problems, define and implement the care plan and evaluate it.
  • CE17: Identify the characteristics of women in the different stages of the reproductive cycle and in the climacteric and the alterations that can occur, and provide the necessary care in each stage. Apply general care during the maternity process to facilitate the adaptation of women and newborns to new demands and prevent complications.
  • CE18: Know the specific aspects and care of the newborn. Identify the characteristics of the different stages of childhood and adolescence and the factors that condition the normal pattern of growth and development. Know the most frequent health problems in childhood and identify their manifestations. Analyse child assessment data.
  • CE19: Understand the changes associated with the aging process and their impact on health. Identify the structural, functional, psychological and lifestyle changes associated with the aging process. Know the most frequent health problems in the elderly. Select caregiving interventions aimed at treating or preventing health problems and their adaptation to daily life through resources that are close to and support the older person.
  • CE20: Get to know the Spanish health system. Identify the characteristics of the managerial function of nursing services and care management. Know and be able to apply the techniques of group management.
  • CE21: Know the applicable legislation and the code of ethics of Spanish nursing, inspired by the code of ethics and conduct for European nursing. Provide care respecting the right to dignity, privacy, intimacy, confidentiality and decision-making capacity of patients and families. Customise care based on age, gender, cultural differences, ethnicity, beliefs and values.
  • CE22: Know the most relevant mental health problems in the different stages of the life cycle, providing comprehensive and effective care in the field of nursing, applying gender analysis.
  • CE23: Learn about palliative care and pain control in order to provide care that alleviates the situation of the terminally ill.
  • CE24: Pre-professional work placement, with a final assessment of competences, in health centres, hospitals and other care centres, which will allow students to acquire professional values, communication skills, clinical reasoning, clinical management and critical judgment, by integrating nursing knowledge, skills and attitudes into professional practice.
  • CE25: Bachelor's thesis. Cross-disciplinary subject area involving work related to different subjects.