Universitat de ValènciaFacultat d'Infermeria Logo del portal

  • CG1: Obtain the capacities, skills and expertise needed to diagnose, prescribe, indicate, carry out and/or prepare and evaluate any kind of chiropractic, orthopodological, surgical, physical, pharmacological, preventive and/or educational treatment, based on the patient's clinical history, acting always in accordance with moral duties, current legislation and criteria of good practice.
  • CG2: Possess knowledge of the structure and functions of the human body, in particular the lower extremities, physiopathology, etiology, general semiology and methods for diagnosing medical and surgical pathologies, and know how to interrelate general pathologies with those of the feet and gender perspective.
  • CG3: Acquire sufficient clinical experience in all areas of chiropody in accredited university training centres, developing effective relations with the members of the multi-disciplinary team and effective communication with patients.
  • CG4: Possess the body of theoretical and practical knowledge needed to properly understand and apply the scientific method, to measure biological functions and to analyse and evaluate scientifically proven data and facts, as fundamental processes for the practice and development in the health sciences.
  • CG5: Understand and know how to use sufficient tools and content to guarantee the implementation of the self-learning process as an instrument of development, innovation and professional responsibility through lifelong learning.
  • CG6: Adopt an attitude and behaviour of responsibility and commitment towards the health of the population, so that chiropody becomes a social reference for health care, and demonstrate capacity to act as a health agent in preventive educational action.
  • CG7: Understand and respect fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
  • CG8: Show sensitivity in professional practice paying special attention to gender equality, human rights, solidarity, environmental protection and sustainability and promotion of the culture of peace.