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Edifici Rectorat.
Edifici Rectorat.
Edifici Rectorat.

The Universitat and the Ministry of the Interior promote students' external internships

  • Office of the Principal
  • October 29th, 2019
Image de la noticia

The Principal of the Universitat de València, Maria Vicenta Mestre, and the Secretary of State for Security, Ana María Botella, have celebrated the formal act of the agreement signed to promote the external academic practices of the students of the academic institution in the Ministry of the Interior.

The aim of the agreement between the Universitat de València and the Ministry of the Interior will be to strengthen the lines of collaboration between the two institutions in order to develop a programme of external academic internships so that students from the Universitat can carry out curricular and extracurricular internships at the Ministry. These internships will offer students the possibility of applying and supplementing the knowledge acquired during their training.

The event took place in the historic building of La Nau de la Universitat de València and was attended by the PrincipalMaria Vicenta Mestre, the Secretary of State for Security, Ana María Botella; the General Secretary of the Universitat, M.ª Elena Olmos; the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sports, Antonio Ariño; the Vice-Principal for Economy, Justo Herrera; the General Manager, Juan Vicente Climent; and the Student Officer, Mercedes Elizalde.

The convention will prepare students for the exercise of professional activities, facilitating their employability and thus promoting the entrepreneurial capacity of future graduates with a view to when they finish their training and enter the labour market.

The students of this convention will have the possibility to carry out their Degree Final Project (TFG) and Master’s Degree Final Project (TFM) at the Ministry of the Interior, supervised by the joint direction of an academic tutor from the Universitat and a tutor from the Ministry.