UVsportsUniversitat de València Logo del portal

The students who participate in the five competitions can ask for the concession of 1 ECTS credit.

Session Day Place Schedule Responsible
Qualifying CADU* 14/11/2024 Class Building V (South room)
20:00 - 21:15
Iván Gallardo
Christmas Trophy
Class Building V (South room)
20:00 - 21:15
Iván Gallardo
Final Exams Trophy
Class Building V (South room)
20:00 - 21:15
Iván Gallardo
Fallas Trophy
Class Building V (South room)
20:00 - 21:15
Iván Gallardo
Rector Trophy
Class Building V (South room)
20:00 - 21:15
Iván Gallardo

*Since the rules of CADU doesn’t allow the participation of PAS and PDI, in this classificatory competition only students can participate.

Fee: €6,50 (unique enrollment)

  • Only members of university community can participate
  • The fee includes all the internal competition days