UVsportsUniversitat de València Logo del portal


Access to the self-registration platform

Team registration guide

There will be one payment to participate in the Internal Competition and another for the Rectora Trophy. Once the payment has been made, the selected timetable will be blocked in favour of the person who has made the registration.

The only fees to be paid will be the registration fee.


Registration of participants

Are you new to the UV and don't have a team this year?

You can form a team with anyone, be it a friend, classmate or acquaintance of a friend. If you can't find anyone, write an email to competi.tarongers@gmail.com and we will look for a team for you.


BASIC RULES (Annex to Competition Rules)

Postponements (point 11 of the rules)

In league competition, a team may only postpone two matches during the season. One of the matches may be postponed without the agreement of the opposing team. The other (or both) must be postponed with the agreement of the opposing team.

In both cases, it is mandatory to fill in and submit the postponement document at least two working days in advance. Send to competi.tarongers@gmail.com

The organisation will fix the new date of the match according to the availability of the teams (mainly the team that has not requested the postponement) and the sports facilities. All postponed matches must be played before the last day of competition. In the last two competition days, no postponement is allowed. This annex modifies point 11 of the rules for the purposes of the internal competition.


On the other hand, the Rector's Trophy will be governed by the competition regulations and its own rules.


Contact with the organisation:

Campus de Tarongers


  • Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 14:00.

Telephone 96 386 4298

E-mail: competi.tarongers@gmail.com