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Principal’s Trophy 2023

Men’s Football 7

The Principal’s Trophy is organised by a mixed system in two phases. The first one consists in a preliminary league. The second one will be a single-match eliminatory phase.

The Principal’s Trophy starts on 25th March 2019.

Registration period:


The deadline to register in the Principal’s Trophy as a new team is 8th March 2019. If you want to register, follow the steps below:

Go to www.uv.es/sesport and choose SELF-REGISTRATION, user and password, choose Tarongers Campus, Competitions, 3rd term, click on the loupe and the offer will be unfolded, CHOOSE THE PRINCIPAL’S TROPHY INDOOR FOOTBALL or FOOTBALL 7. You will have to pay €20 for your registration with your bank card.

Players must REGISTER with the SELF-REGISTRATION system, following the same steps as the registration of new teams, but choosing OFFER, LIST OF SPORT PLAYERS in which the NEW TEAM has registered.

Information Trophy of the Principal

Pairing Regulation Trophy of the Principal



Calendars, results and classifications (all campuses)


  • Internal Championship (includes the registration of the Principal’s Trophy).
    • Registration of men’s teams: €70
    • Registration of women’s teams: €70
  • Principal’s Trophy
    • Registration of new teams: € 20


Football 7 - MIXED

Registration period for the teams: from Monday 3rd to Sunday 9th April 2017

Registration in the player’s list: from Monday 3rd to Sunday 9th April 2017

Start of the Competition: week 25th April 2017

The competition will be played between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. in the fields of Football 7 of Blasco Ibañez Campus.

Competition system: depends on the registrations.

Specific regulation:

  • Each team must have at least 4 players registered in the list.
  • During the competition, there must always be at least 3 players in the playing field.
  • If the regulation is not respected, the match will be played but the result will be 3 - 0 in favour of the team that has respected the regulations.
  • The rest of the regulations and disciplinary regime is the same that is applied to men’s football 7 competition.