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A kendo exchange with Japanese Waseda University has been a success

  • Sports Service
  • February 22nd, 2018

The Pavelló Universitari on Blasco Ibañez Campus held on February 17 and 18 a new yearly exchange edition conducted by the Universitat de València and Waseda University (Japan). This exchange is comprehended inside the framework of the activity programme of Kendo School at the Universitat de València. Over 50 people among fighters (32 men and 9 women), coordinators (7 people) and teachers from Waseda (3) participated in a full-session that included several katas and a conference.

Following the indications of Vicente Soriano, kendo teacher of the Universitat de Valencia, and other three teachers coming from Waseda University; 41 students participated in the katas. Four male and two female students of the Japanese institution participated in the exchange alongside with 28 local male fighters and 7 female fighters.

Apart from the activity planned in the university environment, teachers and students visited the city.

To conclude the sessions, both universities agreed to maintain an annual exchange with meetings in Spain and Japan. They also agreed to promote university championships at an autonomous and national level with the technical support of the delegation of Waseda University.

