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II Discussion 'Inclusive vocation: physical activity and sport in the UV'

  • Sports Service
  • December 1st, 2017
People who participated in the discussion.
People who participated in the discussion.

The Universitat de València, together with the Divina Pastora d'Esport Adaptat Chair (CDPDAUV), and with the collaboration of the Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities (UPD), celebrated the II Discussion 'Inclusive vocation: physical activity and sport at the Universitat de València’ on Thursday, 30 November, in the framework of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which is celebrated every year on 3 December. The event took place in the Faculty of Geography and History.

The discussion had two roundtable discussions. The main theme of the first intervention was “Opportunities for the practice of physical-sporting activities at the University” and the second discussion presented a practical vision of the athletes of the University entitled “So we perceive it from practice.”

The event concluded with the presentation of athletes of the Divina Pastora d'Esport Adaptat Chair.

The programme can be consulted in this link.

Study of Divina Pastora Chair

Currently, physical-sportive activity is fundamental for people with disabilities due to the physical, psychological and social benefits that provide The CDPDAUV made a work in order to identify the amount of physical-sport practice of students with disability of the Universitat de València, as well as some characteristics and guidelines of the aforementioned, taking as sample 138 students, 13.3% of the presence of this group in the University.

From the study it was concluded that 65.9% of the students with disabilities of the Universitat de València currently practice some physical-sport activity, while 34.1% do not do it. With regard to the frequency, almost 50% of the student body practice three times or more per week, being thus, the largest group, followed by 37.8% who dedicate their time to sports between one and two times per week.

In conclusion, the level of physical-sport practice of students with disabilities of the University is high. It predominates recreational competitive over practice and individual practice over team practice.