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One of the objectives of the European Higher Education Area is to guarantee the quality in higher education teaching with comparable criteria and methodologies.
The main purpose of the European dimension in quality assurance is to promote mutual trust and transparency, respecting the diversity of national contexts. Both the principles of diversity and university autonomy and the right of free movement of professionals within the European Union are making increasingly necessary the use of assessment and certification mechanisms that ensure the quality of the different European university teachings.
It is important to highlight, the document of Quality Assurance Criteria and Guidelines within the European Higher Education Area developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.

As exposed in the Royal Decree 1393/2007, “the quality assurance systems are part of the new curriculums, and are also the basis for the official operation of the new organisation of teachings and for creating the confidence upon which the degrees certification process rests. The autonomy in the design of degrees is combined with an appropriate assessment and certification system that allows supervising the effective implementation of teachings and informing the society about the quality of these. The specification of the verification and certification system allows the balance”
As we have mentioned above, one of the criteria that has to be included in the verification record of the curriculums is the assurance quality system, for this reason the Universitat de València and particularly the Quality Unit have developed a framework document in which are included the information and presentation of the Quality Assurance System of the University.

STANDARD 9- Quality Assurance System of doctoral studies