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Preparing a process map, a graphical representation of the processes that make up the management system of a service or a unit, is necessary for establishing a Quality Assurance System (QAS).

The Quality Unit has created one that complies with the guidelines specified by the ISO 9001 and the EFQM Excellence Model.

To prepare a process map, and in order to facilitate its reading, it is necessary to reflect on the different groups into which you can divide the identified processes. Grouping the processes within the map allows establishing analogies between them, while facilitating their interrelation and the reading of the map as a whole.The map process structure that we propose is the following:

  • PLANNING PROCESSES: related to the field of management responsibilities.
  • MANAGEMENT PROCESSES: they can specify, provide and maintain the necessary resources (human resources, infrastructures and work environment).
  • PROCESSES FOR PERFORMING SERVICES: they allow services to be performed.
  • EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENT PROCESSES: they allow us to evaluate, measure and analyse processes and to establish improvement actions.

See the map process