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Brand: VIRTIS / BENCHTOP - Virtis SP Scientific / BTP-9ELEVX - TELSTAR / LyoQuest (3 Units)
Type: Equipment, Techniques

Technique that allows the lyophilisation of biological material.


Lyophilisation is a drying method in which water is removed from the wet product by freezing and the subsequent sublimation of the ice by heat, under vacuum conditions. In this way, the water changes from solid to gaseous state, avoiding the passage through the liquid phase and, therefore, the deterioration of the biological material.

Practical implementation
  • Lyophilisation of bacteria, archaea, yeasts or filamentous fungi for third parties, provided that the micro-organism in question is within the groups accepted by the CECT and survives freeze-drying.
  • Lyophilisation of other biological material.
Quality certifications

ISO 9001:2015

Terms of use

Use restricted to CECT personnel.


  • Lyophilisation of microorganisms: active culture of the strain (triple streak seeded Petri dish for prokaryotes and yeasts; slant agar tube is also acceptable for filamentous fungi).
  • Lyophilizer use: material to be freeze-dried and freeze-drying conditions.

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