Did you know that the poster “Estimem la nostra llengua” of our hall turns 25 years old?
In 1995, the Valencian designer Xavier Mariscal, in collaboration with the fallero artist Manolo Martín, came up with several pieces for the celebration of the tenth birthday of Trobades d’Escoles en Valencià organised by Escola Valenciana.
Xavier Mariscal was already a renowned artist due to Coby, for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992, among other designs. Manolo Martín was a prestigious fallero artist who was a benchmark in modernity and removal of the Valencian art with works such as the Gulliver Park.
Each of the 513 schools that in that moment taught in Valencian took part painting the pieces. Some of them were decorated by the Mariscal himself and Manolo Martín.
On 6th May of 1995, in an act in the Alameda of València, each one of the schools that took part in the initiative brought their piece in a mass big festive act.
Photos of the Escola Valenciana act in 1995.
The poster is the precision of the Escola Valenciana spirit, the display of all those small persons –“mariscalets” that in the school and from the school have learned to love our language.
Later, Escola Valenciana gave the poster to the old Training School “Ausiàs March” of the Universitat de València in the Monteolivete neighbourhood. It was in the hall until it was moved from the old school to the current location in the Tarongers Campus.
In 2010, the poster was set up in the current Faculty of Teacher Training. At the presentation, Xavier Mariscal himself said that there was not a better location for this emblematic work, created by so many children.
Photo of the presentation in the Faculty of Teacher Training
Unfortunately, Manolo Martín passed away in 2005, but his son, who also is a fallero artist, organised the assembly in the current location and, until today, carries out a systematic review for its conservation.
In the Ontinyent Campus, we also have a poster gifted by the Luis Vives school, one of the firsts teaching in Valencian. Organised by Empar Granell, each school had a mariscalets contest, and the winner went to València.
Photo of the Ontinyent Campus Poster
Today, more than ever, thank you to everyone who made the poster possible! Estimem la nostra llengua!