Extracurricular internships
Extracurricular internships are voluntary training practices than can be carried out through associates via collaboration agreements organised by the Faculty of Teacher Training. These internships are neither linked directly with any subject nor are part of the syllabus. However, they are included in the European Diploma Supplement (SET).
These internships can be carried out throughout the calendar year, but they cannot interfere with the class attendance of our faculty. They have a varying duration and, in many cases, they can be paid.
We have signed several agreements with entities that offer extracurricular internships programs that can be useful for students. These internships can only be done from the third year of the degree, and, some of them, once you are graduated. They can ask for specific requirements when it comes to a foreign language, by way of example. For that reason, it is advisable to read carefully all the options.
AIESEC is a global platform addressed to young people who want to fulfil and develop their leadership potential. It can be found in more than one hundred countries and cooperates with more than 2000 universities around the world. Its main objectives are helping young people to discover their potential, stablishing personal lifelong connections and collaborating in improving the world.
In order to achieve that, the program Global Teacher has been launched. Through it, educational institutions around the world are looking for international primary-school teachers and lecturers. This experience allows to develop and improve abilities and skills as future teachers, as well as getting in contact with schools in different parts of the world and becoming a member of different working teams.
You can be part of this program since the first year of the degrees in Primary School Education or in Preschool Education.
The duration of this internships can vary, from 9 to 78 weeks.
Programs usually entail among 35 and 45 working hours per week. All programs are required to pay a salary during the duration of the experience and some of them can even cover accommodation. Currently, the vast majority of the program opportunities are located in Poland.
For more information, you can check their webpage web:https://aiesec.org/
You can be part of AIESEC filling the following form.
FORTHEM Alliance is formed by seven universities of the European Union that are located (all of them except one) outside of the capital’s regions and are not the biggest universities nor of highest level of their countries. It was created in 2019 and is an institution network that have the dynamism and the flexibility required for trying out innovative forms of collaboration. Through this project, it is expected to increase the student’s mobility, the cooperation with external actors and student’s civic activities.
The alliance is formed by universities of:
Dijon (France)
Mainz (Germany)
Opole (Poland)
Jyväskylä (Finland)
Riga (Latvia)
València (Spain)
Palermo (Italy)
On its webpage it can be found the different offers of extracurricular internships. The requirements are stablished by each entity or organization that offers them: https://links.uv.es/9Wl81Iv
ADEIT (UV University-Business Foundation).
The Faculty of Teacher Training has designed different training projects that can be consulted here.
The requirements for doing extracurricular internships with ADEIT are:
- being enrolled in the Universitat de València in the academic year in which you are going to do your internships.
- having passed at least the 50% of the credits degree in which you are enrolled.
In this type of internships there is also the possibility of doing an Autopracticum.
For having access to these internships you only need to fill the ADEIT request form. From that moment, you will receive the offers that are more suitable to your profile. You will need an internship tutor in the business and another tutor in the Universitat. In this way, both of them will supervise that the training objectives set by each professional profile are met.
Additional information here.
Erasmus Placement Programme
The mobility programme of students at European level, Erasmus Placement Programme, for the academic year 2021-2022, allows students and recently graduates of the official Degree and Master’s Degree to carry out the internships in business, institutions, universities, training centres, research centres and other organizations of European countries that take part in the Programme Erasmus + of the European Union.
The business search for doing the internships has to be done by each student.
For starting to look for host entities, you can check the following webpage: https://links.uv.es/lUd00Lk
International Relations is in charge of the management of these internships. For further information you can consult their webpage: https://links.uv.es/fgS33uv
UV Empren
Through three specific programs:
Rural UVempren, University Junior International Entrepreneurs and UVempren public value.
More information on their webpage: https://links.uv.es/M5pf0b0
Training program 1: Sociocultural instructor
- Marta Talavera
- Cristina Menescardi
- Vicente Gabarda
- Patricia Sancho
- Jorge Lizandra
- Paula Jardón
Training program 2: Physical Education and sports activist in education centres and/or vulnerable groups
- Marta Talavera
- Eduardo España
- Vicente García Peris
- María Alcantud-Diaz
Training program 3: Languages teacher
- Marta Talavera
- Eduardo España
- Vicente García Peris
- María Alcantud-Diaz
Training program 4: Music teacher
- Marta Talavera
- Rosa Isusi
Training program 5: Arts education teacher
- Marta Talavera
- Maria Amparo Alonso Sanz
- Silvia Martínez Gallego
Training program 6: Designer Consultant in specialised in teaching publishers and other business related with education
Marta Talavera
Cristina Menescardi
Héctor H. Gassó
Antonio Martín Ezpeleta
Vicente Gabarda
Alfonso Martínez
Patricia Sancho
Rosa Isusi
Eduardo España
Vicente García Peris
Alicia Ros
María Amparo Alonso Sanz
María Alcantud-Díaz
- Cristóbal Suárez
Training program 7: Consultant in psichopedagogical offices
- Marta Talavera
- Raúl Tárraga
- Vicente Gabarda
- Patricia Sancho
- Diego García Monteagudo
Training program 8: Teacher in ONGD, associations and other institutions
- Patricia Sancho
- Jorge Lizandra
- María del Mar Bernabé
- Eduardo España
- Vicente García Peris
- Alicia Ros
- Maria Amparo Alonso Sanz
- María Alcantud-Diaz
- Silvia Martínez Gallego
- Mª Ángeles Abellán López
- Paula Jardón
- Diego García Monteagudo