The Weeks of complementary activities (SAC) are understood as academic periods in which activities can be organised and groups that are not possible in the normal structure of the course can be stabilised. The main objective of the SAC is to offer an organised option, when it comes to necessary space and time, for complementing the training received in conventional classes in the classroom or through different types of activities such as seminars, workshops, conferences, work groups, etc.
Therefore, activities designed for these weeks cannot be considered as singularities or events more or less remarkable that do not have any type of relation with subjects. In fact, they are educational complements of the teacher training and must answer the acquisition and development of competences that the student is acquiring with each one of the subjects.
In this sense, and because there are competences that are not exclusives of a subject, the SAC allow the coordinated work of teachers of different Departments through the design and organisation of group activities.
They consist in offering to students a series of activities that allow to improve the connection and curricular coherence boosting the implication and cooperation of the university community in aspects that have an impact on the person’s life from a cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and inclusive approach. This model intends to combine the methodological aspects with educative practice, evaluation and professionalization in teaching.
Comparing it with the previous one, the SAC considers the following objectives:
- Offering an educative action that allows the reflection about teaching planning and the realisation and assessment in different virtual and classroom learning environments.
- Knowing different spaces, resources and tools that ensure a complete training and assessment, long-term and hybrid.
- Developing strategies for the incorporation of the ODS in teaching, specially the fourth, which is about ensuring an inclusive, equitable and of quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.
- Studying in more detail the educational implications of training and assessment and its relation with curricular contents of the degree and postgraduate subjects.
- Encouraging the participation and implication of the students in the transformation process of the teaching practice towards an integrated and inclusive model that supports reflection and exchange as a basis for a social-constructive learning.
In each academic year 2 weeks of complementary activities are stabilised (November and March).
Activities can be organised by the teaching staff for their group or addressed to the university community in general, in an open way that allows the attendance of more people.
Two types of complementary activities can be differentiated:
a) Specific program for subjects (PEA): they are activities organised by the teaching staff for their own group. These activities must take place in the classroom time (first time slot of the special timetable in SAC) or outside this time slot if it is an activity that entails a trip outside the Faculty (guided tours, night astronomical observation). They are mandatory activities that will be included in the subject assessment.
b) General program for the whole Faculty (PDG): Activities organised for the whole Faculty that will cover subjects of general interest (employment forum, workshops, conferences, round tables, espaicinema, etc.). These activities will take part in the second time slot and students will have to attend at least two of the organised activities.
SAC organisation:
- In the first time slot each group will have the usual class or the activity that the teacher has organised. This class cannot be changed to another day, even less to another time slot.
- The second time slot will be allocated for doing the activities organised for the whole Faculty. No professor can demand the compulsory attendance of the students to any personal initiative during the second time slot except in the case of having organised a trip that takes the whole morning or afternoon.
- Midterm exams and compulsory tutoring are not allowed during SAC.
- Each subject will have one class session, except for the first four-month period of 3rd year, in which two class sessions will be done during this week.
- If any subject is only taught in the second or third time slot, with the agreement of the lecturers of this group, it has to be decided which day one of the two class sessions will take place.
- Activities that entail a trip that takes the second and third time slot will have priority.
- A programme of activities of general interest will be done, as a proposal by the teaching staff and students represented by ADR. Activities programmed for the Faculty (PDG) are open for all students and students shall attend, according with their interests, at least two of the activities proposed for the second time slot.
- If the students have an activity trip with their lecturer in the second time slot, this activity will be considered as one of the two mandatory activities in the general program of the Faculty.
- The teaching staff can recommend the most suitable activities of the PGF without having binding force.
- The Faculty will form the student groups that will participate, and will carry out a registration record.