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Culture. Language. Literature Study Catalan Philology in the City of Valencia


Lara Cruselles i Lores. Degree in Catalan Philology

20 june 2018

It must be said that I chose the degree in Catalan Philology because reading books and writing have always been part of my hobbies. I am also very interested in the evolution of the Catalan language and literature over the centuries and, at the same time, in how knowledge of this evolutionary process is fundamental to understanding the cultural, linguistic and literary reality that exists today. The linguistic and literary heritage shapes our identity as a people and our culture. It should also be noted that I chose this degree because of the career opportunities it offers. At first I had in mind the secondary teaching, but once studying the Degree I discovered other opportunities that have captivated me, such as research.

I would highlight the Literature subjects, since it is the part that attracts me the most. Now, I am discovering Language subjects, which I like very much and which, of course, enrich my academic training. In addition, within the field of literature, it is important to highlight Modern Catalan Literature. This is an era that, unfortunately, is hardly ever seen in high schools. Even so, this degree opens the doors for us and introduces us to a literary era of great quality, with authors who were at the forefront of European literature at the time.

With regard to additional training activities, it should be noted that a large number of them are carried out during the year. For example, seminars and congresses, both in language and literature. It should also be noted that this is a degree in which teaching innovation is very much present. This year there has been a Teaching Innovation Conference on Catalan Philology and, in addition, there is the Teaching Innovation Network LiCAiNT (Ancient Catalan Literature and Transmedia Narrative). This is a collaborative educational innovation project between the UOC and the UV, which is carried out by Dr. Eulàlia Miralles and Dr. Verònica Zaragoza.

And as for the support provided by the teaching staff, it should be noted that the degree has teachers of the highest quality, who are always available to students through the virtual classroom and face-to-face tutorials. From my personal experience I can say that whenever I have needed help I have received all the support from the teachers I have gone to. It should also be noted that, as there are not many classes, the relationship between the student and the teacher is usually very fluid.
