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You must enrol in order to pursue studies and this process is completed when payment is made or when you submit proof of exemption (scholarship, disability, etc). Each academic year faculties and schools set up specific enrolment schedules within a prescribed time frame established by the authorised vice-rector.
Enrolment takes place at the faculty administration office.

1. Enrolment and full-time/part-time students
2. Enrolment restrictions
3. Enrolment process
4. Cancellation and modification of enrolment
5. Enrolment in groups taught in english 
6. Information about internships in which students are in contact with minors
7. Applicable Legislation

1. Enrolment and full-time/part-time students

Full-time status, in general, entails 60 credits per academic year. However, you can request part-time status for each academic year. To be eligible for part-time status at the time of registration.

2. Enrolment restrictions

Full-time students: you must take a minimum of 36 credits and a maximum of 72.

  • You must include all pending subjects in the enrolment.
  • The final year project is not included in these calculations.
  • You may take fewer than 36 credits if you need a lower number of credit hours to finish your degree.
  • You may request to exceed the limit of credits if you need a higher number of credit hours to finish your degree.
  • If for two consecutive years you do not exceed more than 36 credits you cannot take more than 36 credits, with the exception of force majeure.

Part-time students: you must take a minimum of 24 credits and a maximum of 36.

3. Enrolment process

  • In assisted enrolment, a document certifying enrolment will be issued. In self-enrolment, the student automatically validates the data. More information.
  • In the event that in the verification process there is dishonesty, concealment of information or unmet requirements, enrolment shall be terminated.
  • Enrolment is not final until all fees are paid, except in cases of exemption.

4. Cancellation and modification of enrolment

  • Cancellation of enrolment is only possible in its entirety. Partial cancellation is not permitted.
  • Non-payment implies cancellation of enrolment as well as any certificate or qualification obtained during that academic year.
  • Cancellation of enrolment at your request is only admissible if it is due to force majeure, including:
    1. Illness
    2. Work-related or professional reasons
    3. Economic loss in the household
    4. Any other reason comparable to those mentioned above

If cancellation due to force majeure is requested before 31 December, students can ask for a refund of the tuition fees.
Students may request a change in enrolment status from the dean or director of the faculty or school within an established time limit. Changes in enrolment status are reserved for these accredited cases:

  • Subjects which have already been successfully completed or recognised
  • Completion of studies
  • Completion of credits for grants or scholarships
  • Any other case deemed appropriate by the faculty or school

5. Enrolment in groups taught in english

Requirements and conditions

  • For access to these groups consult the specific information of each faculty.

  • In the case of the Degree in International Business, proof must be shown at enrolment.

  • Constará una mención de pertenencia a este grupo en el Suplemento Europeo al Título si se completa el grado con al menos el 50 por ciento de los créditos cursados en inglés.

Undergraduate degrees

  • Faculty of Economics
    • Degree in Administration and Business Management, Degree in Economics, Degree in Finance and Accounting, Degree in International Business.
  • Faculty of Pharmacy 
    • Degree in Pharmacy.
  • Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
    • Degree in Medicine. 
  • Faculty of Psychology
    • Degree in Psychology.
  • Faculty of Law
    • Degree in Law. 

A los estudiantes que se hayan matriculado en un grupo ARA con anterioridad al curso 2022/23 se les mantendrán las mismas condiciones que estuvieran vigentes en el momento que se matriculó por primera vez en estos grupos.

6. Information about internships in which students are in contact with minors

In agreement with the Law 26/2015, of 28th July, that modifies the system of protection of minors and teenagers, those students who want or have to do an academic internship in which they are in contact with minors, they must provide the Certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice that proves that they do not appear in the Central Registry of Sex Offenders. For more information click here.

7. Applicable Legislation