Degree number of credits: 60

Compulsory credits: 24

Elective credits: 24

Final project: 12

Degree code: 2266

Years: 1

Teaching type: Presencial

Knowledge branch: SCIENCE

Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 15

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Biological Sciences

Languages used in class: Spanish, Valencian and English

Participating Universities: University of Valencia and University of Alicante

Academic Coordinating Committee: Carlos Martínez Pérez (Director)
Juan Abella Pérez
Hugo Corbí Sevilla
Alice Giannetti
Alejandro Romero Rameta
Sonia Ros Franch
Anna Garcia Forner (PAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: Paleontology is a discipline that studies and interprets the past life on Earth through fossils. Although it is included in the Natural Sciences branch it has its own corpus and shares basics and methodologies with Geology and Biology, with which it is tightly integrated. In fact paleontology returns to these sciences the fundamentals that they provide in the form of inputs or contributions for many other areas of science due to the wide range of possible applications of paleobiological research (Evolution, Biodiversity, Continental Drift, Climate Change…). Thus, the most common application of Paleontology is the basic contribution to other sciences through the investigation of fossil remains. However, Paleontology is useful in many other fields (many of them not directly related to Geology or Biology), which in Spain are clearly underexploited compared to other European countries or outside the European environment (United States, Canada, Australia, etc.). These fields include, for example, the application of Paleontology to oil explotation , mining and other geological resources, utility for civil work engineering, in environmental impact studies and climate change, in archaeology, in forensic palynology, in medical palynology, protection of natural and cultural heritage, and then useful to society (museum studies, dissemination, theme parks). The goal of this Master is to provide a solid foundation in the field of applied Paleontology that allow students to develop a professional career in any of the aspects of Paleontology, and thus meeting the demand of professionals in this area, in our country. Among these professional opportunities stands out the employment or creation of self-employment in centres or companies of management and dissemination of natural heritage, public administrations, explorers and management of geological resources, consulting and works monitoring (paleontological heritage protection), environmental audits and regional planning, geological mapping, museums, interpretation centres and paleontological dissemination. The Master’s also will train students who wish for a research or teaching career.

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information: