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Poster of the course
Design of sustainable strategies for the SDGs: Sustainable Initiatives

The Office of the Vice-principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the UV together with CERAI, within the framework of the Sustainable Campus Objective project, organises the course “Designing Sustainable Strategies for the SDGs: Sustainable and Healthy Initiatives”.

This training challenges students to go deeper into sustainability, and specially, to improve the UV’s food supply to make it more sustainable and healthy, and to apply a series of innovative methodologies and acquired knowledge, through this course, to solve this “challenge”. Students will propose solutions to overcome the challenges to make the UV more sustainable, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Are you interested in solving this challenge and improving the sustainability of the UV?

Content of the course:

1. First module: Sustainability and SDGs on campus - Seminars given by experts on the topics raised in the module.

2. Second module: Challenge - Systems thinking, stakeholder analysis, foresight, backcasting.

3. Third module: Ideation - Design thinking, creative problem solving.

4. Fourth module: Action - Systems thinking, design thinking, service design thinking, circular economy.


- To learn about the SDGs involved in Campus Sustainability and in particular, those related to food supply sustainability.

- To recognise the social and solidarity economy (SSE) models in the context of food sustainability in Valencia and to learn about local experiences in the field of circular economy, short marketing channels and/or agroecology.

- To recognise problems and their inherent complexity.

- To recognise some of the properties of these systems and the impact they have on the projects that are framed within them. To learn how to use a systemic approach to understand the complex reality in which a project is framed and, based on this reality, identify and define the challenges of innovation.

- To learn how to carry out an ideation session in which individual talent and creativity are harnessed to transform it into collective knowledge and results.

- To learn about different ideation and idea assessment tools.


Target audience: UV students.

Duration in hours: 18h (classroom) and 6h non face-to-face (group work).

Assessment: Pre-test and post-test of the acquired knowledge and submission of a final group project.

Dates: Thursday 2, 9,16 and 23 February from 15:30 to 20 p.m. (Tarongers Campus).

Price: free of charge.

Teaching staff:

- Sistemika - Young and multidisciplinary team from the UPV that manages innovation to generate a positive and transformative impact. Through a systemic approach, we create and design tools and projects that help to create solutions to different challenges that have an impact on the social, environmental and economic spheres.

- Marina Morales - Education Technician for the CERAI Development.

Funded by the Valencian Department of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation and Demographic Quality of the Valencian Government.

There is limited capacity. Enrol by writing to: marina.morales@cerai.org


ScheduleFrom 2 february 2023 to 23 february 2023. Thursday at 15:30 to 20:00.


Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences. Blasco Ibáñez, 30.

Organized by

Office of the Vice-principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life.



Contact gecamar2@uv.es

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