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Ayudas DRAC Formación Avanzada
DRAC Formación Avanzada grants: opened the second application deadline

From 16 May to 15 September 2023 the second application deadline of the DRAC Formación Avanzada grants will be opened. They are addressed to students of an official master’s degree or doctoral students of the Universitat de València taking part in activities organised by universities that are included in Xarxa Vives such as courses, seminars or research stays. Amounts allocated in this call are useful for covering some tuition, transport and accommodation fees related with the activity. 

Students who are interested in requesting a DRAC Formació Avançada grant shall take into consideration that the activity requested for the grant has to be done in this second application deadline and it has to be submitted before starting the activity. 

DRAC Formació Avançada grants of the Universitat de València managed by the SeDi Information and Promotion Service, are part of the DRAC program and aim to promote the student’s academic mobility between universities of the Xarxa Vives. There are three application deadlines.


ScheduleFrom 26 may 2023 to 15 september 2023. Every day at 11:40 to 23:59.


Universitat de València

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Contact ajudesdrac@uv.es

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