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The Assembly of Student Representatives (ADR) is the biggest representative body of students.

The ADR is made up by:

  • A representative elected by the students of a degree, master degree or doctoral degree.
  • A Senate elected by the centre students.
  • Member students of the Centre Board.

The functions of the ADR are:

  • To agree and propose the measures that are considered appropriate for better defend the rights and interests of the students.
  • To agree the ARA call with the recurrence established in the regulation.
  • To propose to the Governing Council, for its approval, a draft regulation that standardise its constitution and functioning.
  • To elect the Coordination Board that, according to the regulations, will ensure the compliance of the agreement reached by the Council.
  • To coordinate the initiatives that arise in the centre’s assemblies.
  • To propose the distribution of the budgetary allocation that, in the scope of Universitat de València, is dedicated to the sports and cultural activities of the students.
  • To elect and, if applicable, revoke the representatives in the centre commissions and those in universities in which a system of representation has been established.
  • To elect among the members and, if applicable, revoke the people who will be a member of the Student Council of the ARA.
  • Be heard in disciplinary records open to students of the respective centre.
  • To perform and make recommendations to the Centre Board and, through the ARA, to the Governing Council and the Senate.
  • To carry out all the tasks ordered by the Centre Board and, in general, those that derive from these Statutes.

Internal Regulations of the Assembly of Student Representatives of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (CG 26-XI-2014)

E-mail: adrmed@uv.es