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Short Term Mobilities
Open the call for applications for the STM of the FORTHEM Alliance

The students of the University of Valencia have the chance to carry out a collective FORTHEM Short Term Mobility (STM), choosing among the 18 Short Term Mobilities offered in this call, or a individual mobility programme. All activities will take place between March 2022 and August 2022.

The organising university of each collective Short Term Mobility will select up to 35 students from the seven FORTHEM universities, who will meet for five days at the host university to carry out the planned programme. The financial support will consist of a fixed amount for travel, accommodation and meals, which will vary depending on the host university.

While some of the collective mobility programmes target students from specific scientific fields others are open to students of different level and areas of study. Activities are conducted in English, unless otherwise stated.

In addition, there is the possibility to carry out an individual Short Term Mobility. FORTHEM finances 10 days of stay in another university of the Alliance to develop the project presented in the application together with the letter of invitation from the host university.

All students enrolled in any of our 7 universities can apply for a maximum of 2 collective and 1 individual mobility programme.

The call is open from 29.10.2021 until 06.12.2021.

More information about the mobilities and the application procedure here.


Date From 3 november 2021 to 6 december 2021. 24h. Every day.


FORTHEM Universities

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Contact veparsan@hotmail.com

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