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Application for issuance of university degree

After completion of university studies leading to the award of a certain official qualification, the person concerned may apply for the award of the corresponding degree.

The request can be processed telematically through Online office UV, thus avoiding face-to-face processing.

To be able to carry out the process it is necessary to have finished the studies and have the academic record completed and closed.

This procedure may be used to request the award of the University Degree and the European Degree Supplement (EDS):

Online office UV - Students - University Degree and EDS request

The degree award can also be requested from the Faculty secretariat.


Collection of the university degree

The title will be collected by the interested person, at the secretary of the Faculty (previously receive a warning message).

You will have to go to the secretariat with the identity document and the certificate of deposit of the university degree.

If it is not possible to withdraw it personally, another person expressly authorized to collect the official university degree by means of a power of attorney may do so, upon proof of identity and presentation of a photocopy of your identity card and of the person authorising it.

For cases of residence outside the province of Valencia, a request can be made in the secretariat to refer the title to the Delegation or Subdelegation of the Government or Consular Office/Spanish Embassy closest to your place of residence, upon payment of the corresponding fees.


Certified Copy:

To obtain a certified copy that accredits the authenticity of a document issued by the Universitat de València (for example, a degree) it is necessary to present the original of the document to be certified and a photocopy. A receipt for the payment of the corresponding fee will be issued prior to the certification.



Fees are set annually by Council Decree