The avant-garde of Computer Engineering studies meets at the Universitat de València

  • School of Engineering
  • December 12th, 2019
The ETSE of the Universitat de València.
The ETSE of the Universitat de València.

The Universitat de València welcomes in La Nau Cultural Centre Cultural the top representatives of EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education) and the Asamblea de Conferencia de Directores y Decanos de Ingeniería Informática (CODDII, Conference Assembly of Directors and Deans of Computer Engineering).

On Thursday 12th December the international representatives of EQANIE will meet at the Universitat de València. EQANIE is a European network responsible for ensuring the quality of computer studies in European universities. Among other functions, it certifies studies with the Euro-Inf quality seal through an accreditation process. The Universitat de València has the Euro-Inf seal certification for two of its degrees: the Degree in Computer Engineering and the Degree in Multimedia Engineering, both taught at the ETSE-UV.

Among the activities will be a workshop on the Euro-Inf label and a conference by Liz Bacon (president of EQANIE) followed by a round table on the Euro-Inf quality label.

On Friday 13th December will take place the Asamblea de Conferencia de Directores y Decanos de Ingeniería Informática (CODDII Conference Assembly of Directors and Deans of Computer Engineering), consisting of those responsible for schools and faculties that teach studies leading to degrees in Computer Engineering in Spain, both public and private, including the ETSE-UV.

The Engineering Technical School of the Universitat de València, located on the Burjassot-Paterna Campus, has celebrated this year its 25th anniversary teaching engineering studies. ETSE-UV offers the following degrees with international quality seals: Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering (both with the Euro-Inf quality seal), Telematics Engineering, Industrial Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering (all with the Eur-ACE quality seal) and the recent degree in Data Science.