


· Lógica matemática

· Teoría de la demostración

· Teoría de conjuntos

· Teoría de la computabilidad

· Filosofía de la lógica

· Filosofía de la matemática

· Teoría de modelos

· Historia de la lógica

· Lógica

· Formalización de lenguajes

· Filosofía del lenguaje

· Lógica y teoría de la argumentación

· Filosofía de la ciencia I

· Filosofía de la ciencia II

· Filosofía y ciencia contemporánea

· Pensamiento filosófico contemporáneo

· Filosofía del lenguaje I

· Filosofía del lenguaje II



·  Lógica matemática

·  Lógica ecuacional

·  Teoría de conjuntos

·  Teoría de la computabilidad

·  Teoría de categorías

·  Teoría de modelos

·  Cantor Bernstein

·  Cantor Bernstein WO

·  Labyrinth of thought

·  Zermelo

·  Dedekind

·  Dedekind 1856-57

·  Dedekind 1858

·  Dedekind 1872-78

·  Dedekind-Weber 1882

·  Dedekind (cartas)

·  Cantor 1871-84

·  Cantor 1883

·  Cantor 1885

·  Cantor 1887

·  Cantor 1891

·  Cantor 1895-97

·  Cantor (cartas)

·  Cohomology of many-sorted algebras

·  Many-sorted closure spaces

·  P.J.Cohen (Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis)

·  Book: Many-sorted algebras


·  On the morphisms and transformations of Tsuyoshi Fujiwara (arXiv:1201.5239).

·  The completeness theorem for monads in categories of sorted sets (Published here).

·  On many-sorted algebraic closure operators (Published here).

·  On the completeness theorem of many-sorted equational logic and the equivalence between Hall algebras and Bénabou theories (Published here).

·  On the  directly and subdirectly irreducible many-sorted algebras (Published here).

·  Monads (draft).

·  On a class of partial functors between categories which provide a closed and ordered partially additive category of categories (Published here).

·  Functors of Lindenbaum-Tarski, schematic  interpretations, and adjoint cylinders between sentential logics (Published here).

·  Birkhoff-Frink representations as functors (Published here).

·  A 2-categorical framework for the syntax and semantics of many-sorted equational logic (Published here).

·  When is the insertion of the generators injective for a sur-reflective subcategory of a category of many-sorted algebras? (Published here).

·  A transformation between institutions representing the theorem of Herbrand-Schmidt-Wang (Published here).

·  A 2-categorial generalization of the concept of institution (Published here).

·  Kleisli and Eilenberg-Moore constructions as parts of biadjoint situations (Published here).

·  Dedekind on the foundations of arithmetic.

·  Review of D. Sannella and A. Tarlecki, Foundations of algebraic specification and formal software development. Published in ‘Excerpts from Zentralblatt MATH’, vol. 2012/09.

·  On a theorem of Tandareanu and Tudor (Published here).

·  On the preservation of the standard characterizations of some colimits in the passage from single-sorted to many-sorted universal algebra (Published here).

·  On the directly and subdirectly irreducible many-sorted algebras (Published here).

·  Eilenberg theorems for many-sorted formations (Published here).

·  The modernity of Dedekind's anticipations contained in "What are numbers and what are they good for" (Published here).

·  When are profinite many-sorted algebras retracts of ultraproducts of finite many-sorted algebras? (Published here).

·  A characterization of the n-ary many-sorted closure operators and a many-sorted Tarski irredundant basis theorem (Published here).

·  Congruence based proofs of the recognizability theorems for free many-sorted algebras (Published here).


Tesis doctorales dirigidas:

· Álgebra heterogénea


Recensor de:

· Mathematical Reviews y Zentralblatt MATH.



· Departamento de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia

· Universidad de Valencia

· Áreas de interés