Today Ana Aguado gives a speech about the Republic of female citizens at the Universitat

Ana Aguado

‘The female citizens’ Republic: women, citizenship and gender identities during the Second Republic’ is the title of the lecture that will be given by the professor Ana Aguado this Wednesday 13th September at 19:00. The Second Republic meant the achievement of the politic and social citizenship for women, the suffrage and the individual rights and freedom.

Professor Aguado will explain that the universal suffrage only happened at that time, and so did the democratic government. The lecture that takes place at the Aula Magna of the historic building la Nau will be addressed to issues such as the legislative work that would allow transformations in the public and private life of women: co-educational schools, civil marriage, divorce and development of an equal legislation. According to Ana Aguado, ‘the Second Republic was certainly the Republic of female citizens despite the limits, tensions and contradictions that were found in the course toward the equity’.

She is professor of Contemporary History at the Universitat de València as well as member and founder of the Institute of Women’s Studies, where she gives lectures at the Master's Degree in Gender and Equality Policies.

Principally, her investigation lies in social history and contemporary history of women, specifically in the 20th century. It is underlined her research about politic cultures and her relation with the gener identities as well as the construction of the female citizenship. Also the modernisation process of the Spanish society and the female role, the relationships between republicanism, socialism and feminism during the Second Republic, the Spanish Civil War and the Spanish Civil War’s victims, and the Gender and repression under the Franco’s regime.

She has published several books and articles in national and international journals. She has taken part and she has also conducted research projects as the main investigator such as Gender Identities and Political Culture, Politics and Equity in the 20th century of Spain (I+D+I 149/05) or Victims of the Spanish Civil War and the repression under Franco’s regime: gender, images and experiences (Proyecte MP2010-209).

She has completed research and professor stages in other universities and research centers both internationals and nationals like Universitá Roma Tre, Univérsité París VIII, Colegio de España de París, Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla, Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, CSIC, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. She was a member of the editorial committe of the journal ‘Arenal. Journal of Women’s History’ and the Italian journal Storia delle Donne.

The cycle ‘Women and Literature’ takes place at Aula Magna of Cultural Centre La Nau and consists of eleven conferences that are given from January 2017 to January 2018. The entry is free of charge and the admission is subject to capacity.

La Nau’s Aula Magna will welcome in the next months the presence of women like Capitolina Díaz (Universitat de València), Emilia Serra (Universitat de València), Carmen Agulló (Universitat de València) and Verònica Cantó (AVL), who will close the series and will end up these cultural acts dedicated to sor Isabel de Villena, Writer of the Year, organised by the Valencian Language Academy.

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Last update: 11 de september de 2017 14:19.

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