The faculty of Teacher Training hosts the itinerant exhibition la exposición itinerante de la Directorate General of family and woman "Una mirada al trabajo de la mujer en Asia" from 25 February.


The faculty of Teacher Training hosts the itinerant exhibition of the Directorate General of family and women "Una mirada al trabajo de la mujer en Asia" from 25 February.

With pictures taken by Carmen Pérez and texts of authors such as Wislawa Szymborska, Carmen Martin Gaite, Dalai Lama, Cristina Peri Rossi, Maria Mercé Marçal, Margaret Atwood, Alfonsina Storni, Angela Figera Aymerich o Gioconda Belli, the exhibition offers a view of women in the Asian continent from the work setting.

For two years and a half, Carmen Pérez González travelled across the Asian continent by exploring the numerous labour difficulties of women from Istanbul going through Turkey, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal in the first travel; Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka in the second one and Thailand, Laos and Cambodia in the third one.

As the author reminds us, women represent half of the world's population, and according to United Nations, they make two thirds of the global work, receive a tenth of the total revenue and only possess one per cent of all the properties.


ScheduleFrom 27 february 2013 to 8 march 2013. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 08:00 to 21:00.


Faculty of Teacher Training

Organized by

Office of the vice-dean for Culture and Equality. Faculty of Teacher Training .

