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From 20 to 22 July - 15:00 Coordinator: Josep B. Benítez Martínez, Vice-Dean of Studies and Teaching staff, UV.


This course will deal with the complete resolution of spine disorders and essential aspects of anatomy and biomechanics of the spine will be discussed. We will also show the evaluation and main dysfunctions of spine and will answer the question: How to keep a healthy spine? By following these three fundamental pillars: stretching, ergonomics and postural health and exercise.

From 20 to 22 July - 15:00

Coordinator: Josep B. Benítez Martínez, Vice-Dean of Studies and Teaching staff, UV.


Date From 29 may 2015 to 20 july 2015. 24h. Every day.


C/ Tossal, 8 - Gandia

Organized by

International Centre of Gandia





Contact olcianag@uv.es

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