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Symposium on the vision problems in the world which is organised in relation to the World Sight Day established by the WHO and the IAPB.


Programme of the Symposium 9:15 Presentation of the Sixth Conference on World Vision by the University of Valencia. 9:30 Aproximación a la cooperación internacional en el ámbito de la salud (Approach to international cooperation in the field of health). Una experiencia en el área de la oftalmología (An experience in the field of ophthalmology) Rosario Martínez. Ophthalmology. Expeditionary in international cooperation travels. Volunteer in Valencia of Medicus Mundi Cesar Jiménez Doménech. Master’s Degree in International Cooperation. Responsible of the Technical Office Medicus Mundi CV Castellon 10:00 El estado de la visión en el mundo: Ceguera y pobreza (The state of vision in the world: Blindness and poverty) Carlos Estrela Hernández. Graduated in Pharmacy. Graduated in Optics and Optometry. University of Valencia. 10:30 Problemática de la visión en niños saharauis (Vision problems in Saharawi children) Dr José M. Soriano del Castillo. Delegate of the Principal for Cooperation. International Relations and Cooperation Service. 11:00 Break 11:30 Acciones primarias por optometría en la prevención de la ceguera diabética (Primary actions for the prevention of diabetic blindness) Sandra Johanna Garzón Parra Graduated in Optometry. M. Sc. degree in Pharmacology “La Salle” University. Bogota. Colombia. 12:00 Mejora de la salud visual infantil en el departamento de Apurímac, Perú. (Improving child health in the department of Apurimac, Peru) Diana Gil González. Tenured Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Research Group of Public Health Department of Community Nursery, Preventive Medicine and Public Health and History of Science. University of Alicante 12:30 Optometria en desarrollo: El Salvador (Developmental optometry: El Salvador) Mauricio Arturo Suncin Aguilar, Optometrist, “La Salle” University, Bogotá, Colombia. El Salvador 13:00 Intervención humanitaria tras un conflicto bélico: Kosovo, construyendo esperanza (Humanitarian intervention after a military conflict: Kosovo, constructing hope). Ana Sales Ten, Contracted professor of the Department of Social Work. Researcher in the Inter-university Institute for Local Development. International delegate of the Spanish Red Cross in Kosovo. 13:30 República Democrática del Congo: la miseria de un rico (Democratic Republic of the Congo: The misery of the rich) Dr Tomas Torres Urbano. Ophthalmologist. 14:00 Symposium closing.


Date 23 october 2014 at 09:30 to 14:00. Thursday.


Salón de Actos. Biblioteca General del Campus. Burjassot.

Organized by

Grupo de Investigación en Superficie Ocular, Córnea y Lentes de Contacto "Miguel F. Refojo" - Departamento de Óptica y de Optometría y Ciencias de la Visión - Universidad de Valencia.



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