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International Mentor Program (IMP)

The UV participates during 2015-16 in the IMP in the áreas of Biomedicine, Engineering, Economics and Languages. Applications until the 15th of October 2015


The UV participates during 2015-16 in the IMP in the áreas of Biomedicine, Engineering, Economics and Languages. Applications until the 15th of October 2015.

Next 13th of October at 1pm en the Aula Magna of Rectorado (Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 13) an info session will take place.


Date From 6 october 2015 to 15 october 2015. 24h. Every day.


Aula Magna de Rectorado (Informative session)

Organized by

Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización y Cooperación.



More information