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The meeting will take place in the Social Centre of Titaguas. This meeting tackles the recognition of the value of the leading figure and work of the Valencian scholar.


Ninth Conference "El compromiso de los ilustrados en la Guerra de la Independencia, la posición de Simón de Rojas” (Scholars' Commitment in the Independence War, Simon de Rojas’ Position)

Despite having a square dedicated to him in Valencia, the leading figure of the botanic Simon de Rojas Clemente y Rubio (Titaguas, 1777 – Madrid, 1827) remains unknown by most of Valencian people. His intense life is framed within a fascinating era, in where the light of the reason attempted to impose itself in a world still dominated by the obscurantism.

The War of the Independence meant, beyond political or military changes of the conflict, a dilemma for those Spanish scholars trapped between their patriotism and their desire of undertaking the modernisation of Spain taking advantage of the winds of change brought by the French troops. Simon de Rojas was not an exception; he eventually refuged in his native town Titaguas, where he carried out an intense scientist and educative activity.

This conference is addressed to a general public.

Office of the Vice-principal for Territorial Projection and Participation and Titaguas City Council.


ScheduleFrom 21 october 2014 to 7 november 2014. Every day at 09:00 to 23:59.


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Organized by

Vicerectorado de Participación i Proyección Territorial y el Ayuntamiento de Titaguas.


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