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From 23 to 24 July -10 hours Coordinator: Antoni Merelles Tormo, Tenured Professor of Public Health and Administration and Management of Health Services. UV.


Any process of change and development in a modern democratic society requires the participation of the main actors (administration, technical resources, citizenship and social organisations), in each of their action fields. The analysis of the existing resources and the demands by a specific territory and population allows implementing community participation which is deployed according to a methodology that identifies common elements of a particular reality of each experience.

<> is a project of social mobilization and high dissemination in urban environments developed since 2007 in Valencia. The programme aims to promote health and cohabitation of socially vulnerable people (migrant and native population) through individual and community empowerment and by network work, and health care centre and the City Council.

<> is a project of community health intervention developed since 2008 in the neigbourhoods of “El Raval” in Algemesí and “l’Alquerieta” in Alzira. The projects aim to promote health and access to health services and programmes through selection and training of people from the neighborhoods who represent the different cultural groups as health agents. In 2011 the project was awarded with the Quality and Equity Prize of the Ministry for Health, Social Services and Equality.

From 23 to 24 July -10 hours

Coordinator: Antoni Merelles Tormo, Tenured Professor of Public Health and Administration and Management of Health Services. UV.


Date From 29 may 2015 to 23 july 2015. 24h. Every day.


C/ Tossal, 8 - Gandia

Organized by

Centre Internacional de Gandia


