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  • Degree in Preschool Education
    imatge de la noticia

    This degree offers university and professional training that guarantees qualification for the practice of teaching. The training the students receive enables them to understand everything related to education and the skills to design and develop educational actions and programmes for schoolchildren from 0 to 6 years of age. The main objective is to contribute to the education of children, not only helping them in their personal and social development, but also favouring their learning. Students receive basic and specific didactic training in all the areas and disciplines established in the preschool education stage. In addition, they are familiar with the principles of school organisation and management, as well as the physical, emotional and intellectual development processes specific to this age group.

  • Degree in Preschool Education

    This degree qualifies graduates to work as early childhood education teachers in the 0 to 6 years of age stage. The professional development of these graduates is centred on formal education, i.e. in schools, although their didactic and pedagogical knowledge, as well as their competences, enable them to design and develop educational actions in out-of-school settings. The training of the degree is clearly professional and the presence of multidisciplinary workshops and instrumental subjects such as language acquisition or mathematical principles should be highlighted.

  • Degree in Preschool Education
    Useful information
    • This degree qualifies for the professional practise of early childhood education teacher.
    • The Faculty offers training so that students who finish the degree in Preschool Education can obtain the equivalent recognition of level C1 in Valencian and Spanish and B1 in English. Achieving this recognition is necessary in order to be issued the university degree.
    • Students of this degree have a compulsory professional internship of almost a full academic year, distributed in the first, third and fourth years. These internships are carried out in the schools of the Valencian education system and require full-time dedication.
    • The Degrees in Preschool Education and in Primary School Education share 13 subjects that represent 84 common credits, which makes it easier to obtain both degrees.
  • Degree in Preschool Education
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 300
    Language: English, Spanish, Valencian, French
    Prize: 12,79 €/Credit
    Specific website:
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates7,87
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Teacher Training
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 446021 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 864 490Geolocation
  • Degree in Preschool Education
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: 0,2
    Latin: 0,2
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: 0,2
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: 0,2
    Business Economics: 0,2
    Audiovisual Culture II: 0,2
    Geography: 0,2
    Design: 0,2
    Greek II: 0,2
    Art History: 0,2
    Biology: 0,2
    History of Philosophy: 0,2
    Technical Drawing II: 0,2
    Physics: 0,2
    Geology: 0,2
    Chemistry: 0,2
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Degree in Primary School Education
    imatge de la noticia

    This degree offers university education and professional training that enables the practice of teaching. The education received provides an understanding of everything related to education and qualifies the students to design and develop formative actions and programmes for schoolchildren from 6 to 12 years old. The main objective is to help children’s education, not only contributing to their personal and social development, but also to their learning. Students receive basic didactic training and specific training on the areas and disciplines established in primary school. Moreover, they study organisational principles and school management, as well as age-specific physical, emotional and intellectual development processes.

  • Degree in Primary School Education

    This degree provides qualifications to work as a primary school teacher, the stage between 6 and 12 years old. The professional development of the graduates focuses on formal education, that is, on schools. However, their didactic and pedagogic knowledge, as well as their competences, allow them to design and develop educational actions outside school. The education is clearly professional and places an emphasis on the core subjects of maths, science and the two official languages.

    • Specialist in Arts and Humanities / Specialist in Hearing and Language / Specialist in Science and Mathematics / Specialist in Physical Education / Specialist in Music Education / Specialist in Foreign Language (English or French) / Specialist in Therapeutic Pedagogy / Specialist in Information and Communication Technologies

     Access to the Musical Education specialty requires passing a level test. Those in possession of an intermediate-level music certificate are exempt from this test. Access to the Foreign Language specialty requires a certified B2 level of English or French.

  • Degree in Primary School Education
    Useful information
    • This degree enables the professional practice of primary education teaching. The specialties in Foreign Language (English), Physical Education, Therapeutic Pedagogy and Hearing and Language enable the practice of the respective teaching specialties of primary and preschool teachers.
    • The faculty promotes education to obtain the equivalent recognition of the C1 level of Valencian and Spanish and the B1 level of English and French, which is necessary to issue the degree certificate.
    • The students of this degree have to complete a compulsory work placement of almost a full academic year, which is distributed between the first, third and fourth years. This work placement is carried out in the schools of the Valencian education system and demands a full time commitment.
    • The degrees of Primary School Education and Preschool Education share 13 subjects, which amount to 84 shared credits. This makes obtaining both degrees easier.  
  • Degree in Primary School Education
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 500
    Language: English, Spanish, Valencian, French
    Prize: 12,79 €/Credit
    Specific website:
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates8,09
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Teacher Training
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 446021 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 864 490Geolocation
  • Degree in Primary School Education
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: 0,2
    Latin: 0,2
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: 0,2
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: 0,2
    Business Economics: 0,2
    Audiovisual Culture II: 0,2
    Geography: 0,2
    Design: 0,2
    Greek II: 0,2
    Art History: 0,2
    Biology: 0,2
    History of Philosophy: 0,2
    Technical Drawing II: 0,2
    Physics: 0,2
    Geology: 0,2
    Chemistry: 0,2
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics
    imatge de la noticiaThis Master's provide advanced research training in the specializations of Teaching of Visual Arts, Teaching of C.C Experimental, Teaching of the CC. Socials, Teaching of Physical Education, Teachning of Language and Literature, Teaching of Mathematics, and Teaching of Music. For this, the Master's has the participation of teaching staff recognised by their long research careers and their international prestige. The Master's is preferably aimed to: i) Teachers of non-university educational levels who wish to complete their training by acquiring researching competences, which allow them to perform innovative or researching educational actions for improving their teaching practice. ii) University graduates who wish to start or continue their university academic career in the areas of knowledge or departments related with the specialities of the Master's. After completing succesfully the Master's, you will have the knowledge and tools of research level to be able to acces to the Doctorate of Specific Didactics of the University of Valencia or equivalent doctorates of other universities. This master is located in the Faculty of Teacher Training of the University of Valencia and his teaching is taught in classrooms of this faculty.
  • Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics
    Recommended admission profile

    The recommended profile of students for entering is Graduated or equivalent in any disciplinary speciality which has a direct relationship with the subjects of the curriculum of the different Spanish educational levels, who have curiosity about how to solve scientifically the problems encountered in the teaching and learning of academic disciplines, with certified knowledge of English (at least reading comprehension equivalent to level B1) and with work capacity and enough time to acquire the necessary competences to become a researcher, provided by the subjects of the Master's. 

  • Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics
    Admission criteria

    The Committee of Academic Coordination of the Master's:

    -It will take into account the provisions of the Article 17 of the Royal Decree 1393/2007. Particularly, in the case of applicants with specific educational necessities derived from disabilities, the Committee of Academic Coordination will collect the appropiate support and advice of the corresponding services of the University of Valencia, which will assess the necessity of posible curricular modifications, itineraries or alternative studies.
    -It will take into account the current regulations of the University of Valencia, as the procedures and requirements of admission stated by this one and by the Curriculum of the Master's, among which may include requirements of previous specific training in some disciplines.
    -It will assess the merits of each applicant based on the following criteria, making personal interviews and/or the tests that it deems advisable to assess and prioritize, if it is necessary, the applications.

    Depending on the situation of each student applicant, the Committee of Academic Coordination of the Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics will apply the following criteria:

    General criteria for admission to the Master's:1. All applicants should certified, for any of the applicable procedures, knowledge of reading comprehension of English language equivalent to level B1.

    Specific criteria for admission to the Master's:

    1. The accreditation of holding the title of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching of the University of Valencia, the certificate of the Curso de Aptitud Pedagógica (CAP) (Course on Pedagogical Aptitude) or other equivalent title will be enough to take the itinerary of Specific Didactics corresponding the speciality studied in this title.
    2. The accreditation of holding the degree titlle or equivalent in any of the specialities recognised by the Royal Decree for Specialities for teachers of Secondary Education and Bachillerato (Spanish upper secondary school education) (R.D. 1834/2008) it will be enough for taking the course of Specific Didactics belonging to the speciality studied in this title. This degree's titles are the following; Fine Arts, Biology, Physical Activities and Sport Sciences (or INEF/IVEF), Life Sciences and Environment, Advanced Music Conservatory, Statistics, Pharmacy, Philology, Physics, Geography, History, Engineering (Agricultural, Industrial, etc.) Mathematics, Medicine, Chemistry, Veterinary or equivalent.
    3a. The applicants who certified that they are diploma holdersor graduates in Degree in Preschool Education could be admitted in the specialities of Teaching of Music, Teaching of Visual Arts and Language and Literature.
    3b. The applicants who certified that they are diploma holders or graduates in Education could be admitted if they accredited that they have studied an itinerary of specialisation related with the speciality of the Master's chosen, among the defined in the curriculum of the Degree in Primary School Education, or other equivalent training. The current itineraries are:

    -Specialization in Arts and Humanities. Givecess to specialities of Teaching of Visual Arts and Teaching of Social Sciences.
    -Specialization in Sciences and Mathematics. Gives access to the specialites of Teaching of Mathematics and Teaching of Experimental Sciences. -Specialization in Music Education. Gives access to the speciality Teaching of Music.
    -Specialization in Science and Mathematics. Gives access to the specialties of Teaching of Mathematics and Teaching of Experimental Sciences.
    -Specialization in Musical Education. Gives access to the specialtiy of Teaching of Music.
    Specialization in Physical Education. Gives access to the specialtiy of Teaching of Physical Education.
    -Specialization in Foreign Language. Gives access to the speciality of Teaching of Language and Literature.

    4. The applicants who certified their graduation in Education, Sciences of Education or Psychology or the Diploma in Education could be admitted if they accredited having studied previous to the Master’s studies equivalent to a minimum of 18 credits of contents of some degrees indicated in point 2 related with the chosen speciality.
    5. The applicants who certified their graduation or equivalent in different degrees of the mentioned in points 2, 3a, 3b and 4 could be admitted if , in addition to the degree, they accredit officially to possess teaching experience of 3 years at least in subjects related with the chosen speciality in centres of primary or secondary regulated education.
    6. The applicants graduated in Music by the Conservatorio Superior de Música (Advanced Conservatory of Music) or Dance by Escuela Superior de Danza (Advanced School of Dance), should accredit to possess the Advanced Degree, in any speciality.
    7. When applicants certified having a diploma, degree or equivalent not mentioned in the above sections 1 to 6 and meet the requirements of access to the University of Valencia (see section 4.2.1), the Committee of Academic Coordination of the Master’s will study individually the application and will assess the necessity to demonstrate teaching experience and/or disciplinary training previous to the admission to the Master’s.
    8. When applicants accredited holding university’s degree issued in countries outside the European Higher Education Area and to have passed the admission procedure to the Master’s. It will be studied individually the applications and will assess the necessity to demonstrate teaching experience and/or disciplinary training previous to the admission of the Master’s.
    The Committee of Academic Coordination of the Master’s could indicate to each applicant who doesn’t meet any of these requirements the minimum studies that they should take.

    Student Selection

    The selection of students will be made from the applications that meet the requirements mentioned in sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. In case that the demand of a speciality exceeds the placements offered will be prioritized the applications using the following criteria, in order of highest to lowest ratings of importance and always referred to the speciality:

    a)General Criteria:
    1. Certification of Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teaching , Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica (CAP) (Course on Pedagogical Aptitude)or other equivalent qualification.
    2. Qualification and academic record.
    3. Professional experience as a teacher in regulated centres of primary, secondary or university education.
    4. Research experience and publications.
    5. Additional knowledge of English or other languages.
    6. Participation in courses, seminars, conferences, etc.
    7. Personal interview.
    8. Argued manifestation of interest.

    b) Specific Criteria:If the Committee of Academic Coordination deems it appropriate, will propose level tests to applicants in those formational aspects which suppose a prerequisite in this Master’s. The applicants must pass the minimum level required by the committee in these tests. The results of these tests will be assessed for the selection of students.


  • Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 140
    Language: Spanish and valencian
    Prize: 35,34 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Faculty of Teacher Training
    Tarongers CampusAv. dels Tarongers, 446021 Valencia (Valencia)
    +34 963 864 490Geolocation
  • Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training
    imatge de la noticiaThe Master's in Secondary Education Teacher Training provides a professional qualification for teaching in both public and private schools, in the upper and lower secondary education cycles, vocational studies and language teaching. It is structured into these specialities: Biology and Geology; Drawing; Economics; Physical education; Philosophy; Physics and Chemistry; Foreign language: German, French, English, Italian and Portuguese; Geography and History; Classical languages and cultures: Greek and Latin; Spanish language and literature; Catalan (Valencian) language and literature; Mathematics; Music; Counselling; Technology and industrial processes; Career guidance; Vocational education specialities: Health; Social, cultural and community services; Business, Trade and Tourism; Computer Science and Electronic Systems.
  • Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training
    Recommended admission profile

    Order ECI/3858/2007, of 27 December, establishes that admission to this master's degree requires accreditation of competences and skills relevant to the specialisation of choice, which will be verified by means of a test specially designed by universities, from which holders of a university degree corresponding to the specialisation will be exempt. Furthermore, access to the master's degree requires demonstrable knowledge of a foreign language equivalent to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, according to Recommendation No. R (98)6 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States of 17 October 2000.

    The table of equivalences approved by the Governing Council and in force at any given moment at the Universitat de València shall apply for accrediting proficiency in a foreign language at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

    Table of equivalences for accrediting L2 languages at the UV (PDF)

    Proficiency at level B1 will be recognised for students who have successfully completed upper secondary education (batxillerat) in a bilingual school. 

    - Students who cannot accredit level B1 in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) can obtain the level certificate by passing the Foreign Language Proficiency Accreditation Test (PACLE), organised by the Language Centre of the University of Valencia.

    The bilingual nature of the Valencian education system requires that future teachers be proficient in our two official languages. Accordingly, students must accredit knowledge of Catalan at C1 level or higher before they can be issued their master's degree certificate.

    Candidates from foreign educational systems whose mother tongue is different from Spanish must also accredit a C1 level of Spanish before they can be issued their master's degree certificate.

  • Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training
    Admission criteria

    Access to each of the specialisations of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching of the Universitat de València is ranked according to the following priority levels based on the student profile:

    Priority level 1: Qualifications that grant direct and preferential access to the specialisation.

    Priority level 2: Qualifications that grant direct access to the specialisation, only if the number of places available is greater than the number of places demanded from preferential qualifications.

    Priority level 3: Qualifications that grant access to the specialisation, only if the number of places available is greater than the number of places demanded from qualifications in the previous priority levels, and only if candidates pass an entrance test.

    Applications will be ranked according to the priority of the qualification granting access. If the number of places available is greater than the number of places demanded from priority 1 qualifications, the remaining places may be filled by candidates from priority 2 qualifications and, if the number of places available is still greater than the number of places demanded from priority 1 and priority 2 qualifications, the remaining places may be filled by candidates from priority 3 qualifications who pass an entrance test.

    The entrance test will be specific to each specialisation. It will be designed to prove mastery of the disciplinary knowledge in the master's degree specialisation of choice and will address topics specific to it.

    The qualifications within each priority level for each specialisation of the master's degree are as follows:


    • Specialisation in Biology and Geology:

    Priority 1


    Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences


    Environmental Sciences


    Geological Engineering

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Marine Sciences


    Agricultural Engineering

    Forestry Engineering



    Veterinary Medicine

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in science or health sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Drawing:

    Priority 1


    Technical Architecture

    Fine Arts

    Industrial Design and Product Development

    Design and Creative Technology

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Conservation and Restoration

    Art History

    Industrial Engineering

    Civil Engineering

    Public Works Engineering

    Other qualifications in design equivalent to the bachelor's degree

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Economics:

    Priority 1

    Business Administration and Management


    Finance and Accounting

    Business Intelligence and Analytics

    International Business


    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Actuarial Sciences

    Business and Marketing

    Political Science and Public Administration


    Industrial Management Engineering

    Labour Relations and Human Resources


    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in social and legal sciences or engineering and architecture, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Physical Education:

    Priority 1

    Physical Activity and Sport Sciences

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Primary School Education, major in Physical Education Specialist

    Advanced Qualification in Dance (Título Superior de Danza)

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Philosophy:

    Priority 1


    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)





    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in humanities or social and legal sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Physics and Chemistry:

    Priority 1



    Chemical Engineering

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences



    Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Materials or Energy Engineering

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in science, health sciences or engineering and architecture, after completion of an entrance test on physics, chemistry or both, depending on the qualification of origin.


    • Specialisation in Job Training and Counselling:

    Priority 1

    Business Administration and Management


    Labour Relations and Human Resources

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Political Science and Public Administration


    Commerce and Marketing


    Finance and Accounting

    Public Administration and Management

    Industrial Management Engineering



    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in social and legal sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Geography and History:

    Priority 1


    Geography and Environment


    Art History

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)


    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in humanities or social and legal sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature:

    Priority 1

    Hispanic Studies (Hispanic Philology)

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Modern Languages and Literatures, with a minor in Hispanic Studies

    Other language studies, with a minor in Hispanic Studies

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in humanities or social and legal sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Catalan Language and Literature:

    Priority 1

    Catalan Philology

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Other language studies, with a minor in Catalan Philology

    Modern Languages and Literatures, with a minor in Catalan Philology

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in humanities or social and legal sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Foreign Language:

    Priority 1

    Relevant language philology

    Modern Languages and Literatures, with a major in the relevant language

    Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation, with relevant B language

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Other language studies, with a minor in the relevant language

    Modern Languages and Literatures, with a minor in the relevant language

    Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation, with relevant C language

    Primary School Education, with a major in Foreign Language Specialist

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    There are no other access options


    • Specialisation in Classical Languages and Cultures: Greek and Latin:

    Priority 1

    Classical Philology

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Other language studies, with a minor in Classical Philology

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    There are no other access options


    • Specialisation in Mathematics:

    Priority 1


    Computational Mathematics



    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Data Science

    Computer Engineering

    Multimedia Engineering

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in architecture, engineering, science or social sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Specialisation in Music:

    Priority 1

    Advanced Qualification in Music (Título Superior de Música)

    History and Science of Music


    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Primary School Education, major in Music Education Specialist

    Qualifications equivalent to the Advanced Qualification in Music

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    University degree plus Professional Degree in Music (Grado Profesional de Música)


    • Specialisation in Educational Guidance:

    Priority 1




    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Social Education

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    There are no other access options


    • Specialisation in Technology and Industrial Processes:

    Priority 1


    Engineering (all)

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)


    Food Science and Technology


    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in science, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Area of Vocational Training: Business, Commerce and Tourism:

    Priority 1

    Business Administration and Management

    Commerce and Marketing

    Finance and Accounting

    Business Intelligence and Analytics

    International Business


    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)



    Geography and Environment

    Industrial Organisation Engineering

    Labour Relations and Human Resources

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in social sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Area of Vocational Training: specialisations in Biohealth:

    Priority 1


    Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences


    Food Science and Technology





    Human Nutrition and Dietetics


    Optics and Optometry

    Veterinary Medicine

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Speech Therapy




    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in science or health sciences, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Area of Vocational Training: specialisations in Computer Science and Electronic Systems:

    Priority 1

    Computer Engineering

    Multimedia Engineering

    Electronic Engineering

    Telecommunication Engineering (all types)

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Data Science

    Any other degree in engineering or architecture

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in science, after completion of an entrance test.


    • Area of Vocational Training: specialisation in Sociocultural and Community Services:

    Priority 1


    Social Education

    Preschool Education

    Primary School Education






    Social Work

    Priority 2

    (if there are places available after priority 1)

    Political Science and Public Administration


    Audiovisual Communication

    Geography and Environment


    Art History


    Advertising and Public Relations

    Priority 3

    (if there are places available after priority 1 and 2)

    Any other qualification in social sciences or humanities, after completion of an entrance test.


    The above list refers to current EHEA bachelor's degrees (grau), but it extends to official university qualifications awarded under previous regulations: pre-EHEA bachelor’s degrees (llicenciatura), 5-year engineering degrees (enginyeria), 5-year architecture degrees (arquitectura), diplomas (diplomatura), 3-year engineering degrees (enginyeria tècnica) and 3-year architecture degrees (arquitectura tècnica). Furthermore, there is no catalogue that establishes the name of qualifications and, therefore, the above list shall be understood as applying to qualifications with different names but equivalent content to those in the table.

    Admission to each specialisation follows the priority levels established in the access requirements.

    Candidates within the same priority level will be ranked according to their academic record (from 1 to 10).

  • Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training
    Credit: 60
    Courses: 1
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 800
    Language: Spanish, Valencian, French,English, German, Italian and Portuguese
    Prize: 12,79 €/Credit
    Universities: University of Valencia
    Professions: For teaching in the upper and lower secondary education cycles, vocational studies and language teaching.
    Specific website:


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