Chair for Digital Gender GapUniversty of València Logo del portal

The study by the Universitat de València's Chair for Digital Gender Gap, whose fieldwork was carried out between June and July 2021, focused on the Valencian population between 18 and 45 years of age based on their discourses and perceptions, taking into account other social dimensions such as age, level of studies and geographical area (rural/urban).

The informative document on the Digital Gender Gap in the Valencian Community in 2021 was presented on April 6th 2022 by the Chair for Digital Gender Gap of the Universitat de València, during the 3rd Conference for Digital Gender Equality. This document is a summary extract from the results report “La brecha digital de género, ¿una cuestión inexistente, intangible, ignorada o no asumida? Discursos sociales sobre la brecha digital en personas entre 18-45 años”. The document can be downloaded at Roderic UV.

Access to the report: La brecha digital de género, ¿una cuestión inexistente, intangible, ignorada o no asumida?