General FoundationMusical Activities DepartmentUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Winter Concerts. Cycle Music in the Chapel. Centre Cultural La Nau

Jenny Castro Jiménez, soprano. Adrià Gràcia Gálvez, clave and piano. Winter Concerts. Cycle Music in the Chapel. 19/02/2020. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19.00h

Jorge Iznardo, clarinet. María Ferrando and Anna Benavent, violins. Alberto Marquéz and Pablo Silvestre, violas. Amparo Ferris, piano

Winter Concerts 2020. Cycle Music in the Chapel

Jorge Iznardo Renart, clarinet
María Ferrando Vercher and Anna Benavent Montell, violins
Alberto Marquéz García and Pablo Silvestre López, violas
Amparo Ferris Lloret, piano

Authors: W. A. Mozart, P. Hindemith, M. Torres, etc. 

Free admission, limited seats