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Music during the pandemic: an unusual year

LANAUWebinars: Conversations on science, evidence and reason

“Music during the pandemic: an unusual year”


Marga Landete. Assistant Director of Música y Cultura Popular IVC Marga Landete

Beatriz Fernández Aucejo. Director of the UV Philharmonic Orchestra

Presented by:

Adela Cortijo. Director of the UV University Culture Service


The music industry has been one of the most affected by the health crisis within the cultural field. The harsh restrictions imposed to stop further infection eliminated full on-site attendance for a long while, and live music was forced to re-air via digital platforms and social networks or in an on-site manner with a very limited capacity that’s been progressively expanded in the last months. Besides the emergency measures implemented by national and regional governments in general support of culture, and music in particular, this webinar seeks to shed a light on the immediate future and the needs of a field that was already gravely affected by precariousness before the pandemic’s irruption. To this end, the webinar features the participation of Assistant Director of Institut Valencià de Cultura’s Música y Cultura Popular Marga Landete and Director of the UV Philharmonic Orchestra Beatriz Fernández Aucejo, who will speak from their corresponding fields of action about the present and future of music in the Valencian territory. Presented by Director of the UV University Culture Service Adela Cortijo.

On-site session at La Nau Cultural Centre’s Aula Magna. Registration is required and free at:

The seminar can also be followed online via La Nau Cultural Centre’s YouTube channel:


Date 29 september 2021 at 19:00 to 21:00. Wednesday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Observatori Cultural UV. Fundació General UV

Col: Ajuntament de València. Caixa Popular.

