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The harmony of Mount Parnassus - Harmonia del Parnàs

Closure of the I Tempus International Congress


The harmony of Mount Parnassus (Harmonia del Parnàs)

Mariví Blasco, soprano

David Antich, recorders

Guillermo Martínez, cello

Marian Rosa Montagut, claves and conducting

Authors: P. Rabassa, J. Pradas, J.B. Cabanilles, etc.

Free entry with bookable invitation at 72 hours before the day of the concert.


Date 20 november 2020 at 19:30 to 20:30. Friday.


Capella de la Sapiència. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Aula de Música. Universitat de València.



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