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Textbooks, digital resources and fieldwork, complemented by different teaching methodologies, are tools and strategies used for different purposes in school activities. These resources also serve as documentary sources for research in the didactics of social sciences:

  • Analysis of curricular materials used in the didactics of social sciences, from textbooks and digital materials to other resources, and their composition, use and didactic orientation.
  • Development of historical and geographical thinking in different curricular materials, based on the analysis of textual elements, images and activities or tasks carried out in the learning process.
  • Analysis of curricular materials from an inclusive approach and respecting differences (i.e. gender, intercultural, post-colonial perspectives, etc.), including the creation of new materials that involve women and colonised and excluded groups in social sciences.
  • Study of educational technology and the didactics of social sciences, paying attention to the teaching methodology, classroom resources and pedagogies and hidden meanings embedded in 21st century schools.
  • School productions, such as notebooks, teaching memories, dossiers and school magazines, provide insight into school knowledge at a certain time and place, as well as into the mass media, both in historical narratives and in the perception of geographical spaces.
  • Educational projects and their impact on schools.
  • Teaching methodologies and models of didactic units promoted by thm, as well as the implications of different methodologies and active pedagogies in the development of students’ historical and geographical thinking (empathy, historical imagination, geolocation…).
  • Evaluation in the context of school practice, as well as the influence of external evidence on international comparisons.