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Alqueria Casa Orient

Alqueria Casa Orient
Province: València.
County: L'Horta Sud.
Town: València.
Poblat: La Punta.
Latitude and longitude: 30 728727.358mE 4368235.356mN
Type of material good: Alqueria.
State: Good.
Type of use: Agriculture and livestock.
Ownership: Private.
Protection: Property of local relevance.

Early twentieth century.


According to the PAT of l’Horta (the irrigated land) of 2018, the Casa Oriente, located in the path of Llorà, n. 10, in the municipal district and village of La Punta, was built in the early 20th century, like so many other farmhouses in the rural environment of the city of València. For now, there is no more information about its later development, but it is not easy to follow the history of these buildings through the archives, because they are private houses, mostly homes of the working classes, which have not left a greater administrative testimony. It is also necessary to take into account the variability of their name over time, since they usually use the name, surname or nickname of the family or of one of its members.


According to the Catalogue of protected assets and spaces of Rural Nature of the Simplified Revision of the General Urban Development Plan of València (2013), the Casa Oriente is a compact two-storey building, built of brick and with a small porch on the roof. The Catalogue indicates that it consists of a facade with eclectic styles and manages to respect it with a certain degree of skill. It is a building with two corridors parallel to the façade with an axis centred on the ground floor, a gable roof and horizontal eaves. A third corridor once completed the project, which was added to the rear façade and maintains a single height. The interior of the house opens onto a courtyard, where the side arcades also have a classic design in this type of construction, with a light roof and high overhanging wooden eaves. There are also some buildings for farmyards and warehouses located at the back of the courtyard to finish the construction work. Currently, both the state of conservation of the house and the façade are in acceptable condition.

Other Data

Its location is not isolated in the middle of the irrigated land, like a typical alqueria (farmhouse) of l’Horta (the irrigated land). It is located in an entrance of the old road to Pinedo, currently Carrera del Riu, surrounded by some other houses of the first half of the 20th century.


GUINOT, E., SELMA, S. (2005): Les sèquies de l’Horta Nord de València: Mestalla, Rascanya i Tormos. València, Conselleria d’Agricultura. Col. Camins d’Aigua n. 6, pp. 200-201.

DEL REY AYNAT, M. et alii (2002): Alqueries. Paisatge i arquitectura en l’Horta, València, Consell Valencià de Cultura.

DEL REY AYNAT, M. (2010): Arquitectura Rural Valenciana, Barcelona: Galerada (1ª edició: València: Direcció General de Patrimoni Artístic, 1996).

DEL REY AYNAT, M. (1990): “La casa rural de origen moderno en el territorio valenciano”, dins: Cea Gutiérrez, A.; Fernández Montes, M., Sánchez Gómez, L. A (edits.): Arquitectura popular en España, Madrid, CSIC, pp. 525-539.

DEL REY AYNAT, M. (2000): “L’arquitectura de la casa rural valenciana al voltant del segle XV”, dins Actes del I congrés d’estudis de l’Horta Nord, València, Centre d’Estudis Comarcals de l’Horta-Nord-Universitat Politècnica de València, pp. 403-412.

ALMELA I VIVES, F. (1932): Alquerías de la huerta valenciana, València, Sociedad Valenciana de Fomento del Turismo,

ALMELA I VIVES, F. (1960): La vivienda rural valenciana, València, La Semana Gráfica.

CASAS TORRES, J. M. (1943): La vivienda y los núcleos de población rurales de la huerta de Valencia, Madrid, Instituto Juan Sebastián Elcano, 1944, 328 pp.

GUINOT RODRÍGUEZ, E. (2002): “L’alqueria valenciana en la Història”, dins: DEL REY, M. et alii: Alqueries. Paisatge i arquitectura en l’Horta, València, Consell Valencià de Cultura, pp. 33-41.

ALGARRA PARDO, V.; BERROCAL RUIZ, P. (2016): “Uno no, muchos centros históricos en Valencia. Llocs, núcleos agrupados y alquerías en la ciudad”, dins: Algarra, V.; Cárcel García, C. (edits.): València, quan la ciutat aplega a l’horta: homenatge a Eduard Pérez Lluch, València: Ajuntament de València, pp. 103-118.

ALGARRA PARDO, V. (2002): “La materia de què es construeix l’alqueria: materials i tècniques de construcció”, dins: Del Rey, M. et alii: Alqueries. Paisatge i arquitectura enl’Horta, València, Consell Valencià de Cultura, pp. 43-47.

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Photos: E.Guinot