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Alqueria El Rico

Alqueria El Rico
Province: València.
County: L'Horta Sud.
Town: València.
Poblat: La Punta.
Location and access:

Nowadays, it can be accessed from Antonio Ferrandis Avenue, next to the El Saler shopping centre, and entering by the Aparisi well road.

Latitude and longitude: 30 727731.741- 4370002.414
Type of material good: Alqueria.
State: Good.
Type of use: Housing.
Ownership: Private.
Protection: Property of local relevance.



According to the PAT of l'Horta of 2018, the origin of the Casa el Rico is from around 1870, a date estimated from its structural characteristics, although it is possible that it may have replaced an older barraca (hut). So far there is no further information on its subsequent evolution, but it is not easy to trace the history of these buildings through the archives, because they are private houses, mostly homes of the working classes, which have not left a major administrative record. The variability of their name over time must also be taken into account, as they usually use the name, surname, or nickname of the family or of one of its members. In fact, this would be the case of this farmhouse, also known as “casa el Rico”, an appellative that is probably more of a nickname than a surname.


According to the Catalogue of protected assets and spaces of Rural Nature of the Simplified Revision of the General Urban Development Plan of València (2013), the “Casa el Rico” is a compact building with two parallel corridors, with a central load-bearing line system, defined by a wall with a span. The three corridors of the parallel load-bearing walls are placed in line, above which is the ridge of the roof, forming a gable roof. The composition of the spaces is structured around the central axis in the ground plan, which enters through the large openings in the house. This axis articulates the entire architecture and gives it an important materialisation by charging it with the use of the interior-exterior passage. The rooms are enclosed on both sides in the first bay, leaving an expansion in the second body of the construction, where the porch is attached. There is also a kitchen, storerooms, some farmyards, stables and the rear courtyard. The first floor of the building houses storerooms and chambers for agricultural use.


GUINOT, E., SELMA, S. (2005): Les sèquies de l’Horta Nord de València: Mestalla, Rascanya i Tormos. València, Conselleria d’Agricultura. Col. Camins d’Aigua n. 6, pp. 200-201

DEL REY AYNAT, M. et alii (2002): Alqueries. Paisatge i arquitectura en l’horta, València, Consell Valencià de Cultura.

DEL REY AYNAT, M. (2010): Arquitectura Rural Valenciana, Barcelona: Galerada (1ª edició: València: Direcció General de Patrimoni Artístic, 1996).

DEL REY AYNAT, M. (1990): “La casa rural de origen moderno en el territorio valenciano”, dins: Cea Gutiérrez, A.; Fernández Montes, M., Sánchez Gómez, L. A (edits.): Arquitectura popular en España, Madrid, CSIC, pp. 525-539.

DEL REY AYNAT, M. (2000): “L’arquitectura de la casa rural valenciana al voltant del segle XV”, dins Actes del I congrés d’estudis de l’Horta Nord, València, Centre d’Estudis Comarcals de l’Horta-nord, pp. 403-412.

ALMELA I VIVES, F. (1932): Alquerías de la huerta valenciana, València, Sociedad Valenciana de Fomento del Turismo,

ALMELA I VIVES, F. (1960): La vivienda rural valenciana, València, La Semana Gráfica.

CASAS TORRES, J. M. (1943): La vivienda y los núcleos de población rurales de la huerta de Valencia, Madrid, Instituto Juan Sebastián Elcano, 1944, 328 pp.

GUINOT RODRÍGUEZ, E. (2002): “L’alqueria valenciana en la Història”, dins: DEL REY, M. et alii: Alqueries. Paisatge i arquitectura en l’horta, València, Consell Valencià de Cultura, pp. 33-41.

ALGARRA PARDO, V.; BERROCAL RUIZ, P. (2016): “Uno no, muchos centros históricos en Valencia. Llocs, núcleos agrupados y alquerías en la ciudad”, dins: Algarra, V.; Cárcel García, C. (edits.): València, quan la ciutat aplega a l’horta: homenatge a Eduard Pérez Lluch, València: Ajuntament de València, pp. 103-118.

ALGARRA PARDO, V. (2002): “La materia de què es construeix l’alqueria: materials i tècniques de construcció”, dins: Del Rey, M. et alii: Alqueries. Paisatge i arquitectura enl’horta, València, Consell Valencià de Cultura, pp. 43-47.

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Photos: E.Guinot