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Barraques al Camí del Tremolar s/n

Barraques al Camí del Tremolar s/n
Province: València.
County: L'Horta Sud.
Town: València.
Poblat: Castellar Oliveral.
Location and access:

Both barraques (huts) are located on the Camí de Tremolar s / n., currently at the entrance to the town of Castellar.

Latitude and longitude: 30 727258.013mE 4367070.535mN
Type of material good: Barraca.
State: Good.
Type of use: Housing.
Ownership: Private.
Protection: Property of local relevance.

20th century


According to the Territorial Action Plan of l’Horta (the irrigated land) of València in 2018, the two barraques (huts) of the road Tremolar s / n date from the twentieth century.


According to the Simplified Revision of the General Plan of València of the Catalogue of protected assets and spaces of Rural Nature of 2013, the barraques (huts) on the Tremolar road are located parallel to the road, within an enclosed area. They have been restored to be inhabited and have a complementary porch. They maintain the characteristic appearance of the huts with the original layout of the façades, as well as the cover made with green elemets, the woodwork, etc.

Protection status description

Asset of Local Relevance-Barraca (BRL-BRR), in the catalogue of protected assets and spaces of a rural nature, of the General Urban Development Plan (PGOU) of the city of València, 2012 review.

Asset of Local Relevance-Barraca (BRL-BRR), Elements of first degree, architectural elements, of the Territorial Action Plan for the Protection of l’Horta of València (PAT of l’Horta), Decree 219 until 2018 of 30 November, of the Council of the Generalitat Valenciana, Regional Ministry of Housing, Public Works and Territorial Planning.


DEL REY. M. (2010), Arquitectura Rural Valenciana, Barcelona, Galerada (1ª edició: València, Direcció General de Patrimoni Artístic, 1996)

GARCIA ESPARZA, J. A. (2008), “La barraca Valenciana, procesos de transformación”, Revista valenciana d'etnologia, 3, pp. 145-159.

CRUZ OROZCO, J. (2003), “Las viviendas de cubierta vegetal en el territorio valenciano: el caso de la barraca”, Revista El Pajar: Cuaderno de Etnografía Canaria, 14, pp. 111-116.

RUIZ RUBIO, J. V. (1999), Construint una barraca valenciana, València, Ajuntament d’Alboraia-Col·legi d’Aparelladors i Arquitectes Tècnics de València-Col·legi d’Arquitectes de la Comunitat Valenciana.

SANCHIS GUARNER, M. (1957), Les barraques valencianes, Barcelona, Ed. Barcino. (reedició: València, Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 1999).

ALMELA VIVES, F. (1960), La vivienda rural valenciana, Valencia, La Semana Gráfica.

CASAS TORRES, J. M. (1944), La vivienda y los núcleos rurales de la huerta de Valencia, València, Diputació Provincial de València.

Location and Environment
Photo Gallery

Photos: E. Guinot