Aurora Pedro, Head of the Chair for a New Green Transition, will present the webinar ‘Urban Agenda and Sustainable Tourism: Challenges for 2030’ Aurora Pedro, Head of the Chair for a New Green Transition, will present the webinar ‘Urban Agenda and Sustainable Tourism: Challenges for 2030’ 17/01/24 Aurora Pedro, Head of the Interuniversity Chair for a New Green Transition in Tourism, will present this online event. After the 20-minute presentation of the webinar, a panel discussion will follow....[Read more]
The Director of the Chair participates in a Focus Group of the Consorci de la Ribera The Director of the Chair participates in a Focus Group of the Consorci de la Ribera 14/12/23 The training needs of tourism stakeholders were analysed in the session.[Read more]
A meeting of the Joint Committee for Monitoring and Control of the Chair was held A meeting of the Joint Committee for Monitoring and Control of the Chair was held 13/12/23 The Joint Committee for Monitoring and Control of the Chair for a New Green Transition 2023 met on 30 November to discuss and approve several administrative issues.[Read more]
La Càtedra de Nova Transició Verda de la Universitat de València s'uneix a la Xarxa de Càtedres Universitàries de Sostenibilitat La Càtedra de Nova Transició Verda de la Universitat de València s'uneix a la Xarxa de Càtedres Universitàries de Sostenibilitat 23/11/23 La Càtedra de Nova Transició Verda a la Universitat de València va participar en la I Trobada de Càtedres Universitàries de Sostenibilitat, que es va celebrar el passat 4 d’octubre a Oviedo. La...[Read more]
The NTV Chair participates in the report on Energy Transition and Decarbonised Mobility for Sustainable Tourism The NTV Chair participates in the report on Energy Transition and Decarbonised Mobility for Sustainable Tourism 23/11/23 The team of the Chair for a New Green Transition of the Universitat de València collaborated in the creation of the report titled “Energy Transition and Decarbonised Mobility for Sustainable...[Read more]
Trobada de Càtedres Universitàries de Sostenibilitat amb la participació de quatre càtedres UV Trobada de Càtedres Universitàries de Sostenibilitat amb la participació de quatre càtedres UV 20/11/23 En la "I Trobada de Càtedres Universitàries de Sostenibilitat. Agenda 2030, Canvi Climàtic i Economia Circular", celebrada el dia 4 d'octubre de 2023 a Oviedo, es va redactar una declaració conjunta...[Read more]
Ja estan disponibles tots els vídeos del 2n Congrés sobre els drets de la naturalesa i la lluita contra el canvi climàtic en el mediterrani Ja estan disponibles tots els vídeos del 2n Congrés sobre els drets de la naturalesa i la lluita contra el canvi climàtic en el mediterrani 14/07/23 MediaUni ha posat a la disposició dels i les usuàries els vídeos de les conferències que es van impartir en el congrés celebrat els dies 28 i 29 de juny en la Facultat de Dret de la UV. [Read more]
New book: ‘Debates and perspectives on the rights of nature. A lecture from the Mediterranean’ New book: ‘Debates and perspectives on the rights of nature. A lecture from the Mediterranean’ 06/07/23 This publication brings together the papers presented at the II International Congress, “The Rights of Nature and the Fight against Climate Change in the Mediterranean,” held at the Faculty of Law on...[Read more]
The Chair for a New Green Transition of the Universitat de València takes part in the ‘2nd Conference on Responsible and Sustainable Companies’ The Chair for a New Green Transition of the Universitat de València takes part in the ‘2nd Conference on Responsible and Sustainable Companies’ 24/05/23 The Biohub of La Marina de València will host this conference on 1 and 2 June, which will address how the strategic sectors of the Valencian Community must face the challenge of sustainability.[Read more]
The UV celebrates the 2nd international congress on the rights of nature and the fight against climate change in the Mediterranean The UV celebrates the 2nd international congress on the rights of nature and the fight against climate change in the Mediterranean 08/05/23 On 28 and 29 June numerous experts arrange to meet in the Faculty of Law to approach on how to fight against climate change from the Law field. They will analise the concept of the rights of nature...[Read more]
The University of Valencia participates in the constituent process of the United Nations Earth Assembly The University of Valencia participates in the constituent process of the United Nations Earth Assembly 02/05/23 Aurora Pedro, professor of the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Valencia and director of the New Green Transition Chair, has represented the institution in the Spanish delegation...[Read more]
Meeting of the Joint Committee of the UV Chair for a New Green Transition Meeting of the Joint Committee of the UV Chair for a New Green Transition 20/04/23 The meeting was held online on Tuesday 18 April 2023. [Read more]