The team of the Chair for a New Green Transition of the Universitat de València collaborated in the creation of the report titled “Energy Transition and Decarbonised Mobility for Sustainable tourism”, produced by the 1st of May Foundation. The presentation of this report took place on 14 November at the Deputies Congress, and during its development, an interview was conducted with Aurora Pedro Bueno, Head of the Chair at the UV.

The team of the Chair for a New Green Transition of the Universitat de València collaborated in the creation of the report titled “Energy Transition and Decarbonised Mobility for Sustainable tourism”, produced by the 1st of May Foundation. The presentation of this report took place on 14 November at the Deputies Congress, and during its development, an interview was conducted with Aurora Pedro Bueno, Head of the Chair at the UV.
During the interview, the conceptualisation of sustainable tourism, as established by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), was discussed in depth and criticisms from experts in the field were addressed. Although the UNWTO defines sustainable tourism as that which considers economic, social and environmental implications, Bueno argues that this definition is controversial and impractical.
Criticisms of this definition focus on the absence of the democratic participation component, and also suggest that the definition lacks clarity in terms of priorities between the economic, social and environmental pillars. Furthermore, the criticisms point out the ambiguity of the term “sustainable” and propose the exploration of new concepts such as “ecotourism” as a means to transform the relationship with nature. These criticisms also highlight the need to modify incentives, particularly for large conglomerates.
- More information on the ISTAS webpage (Trade Union Institute for Labour, Environment and Health)
- Joint webpage with the interuniversity Chair for a New Green Transition
- Webpage for the Chair for a New Green Transition - UV team