University of València Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Logo del portal

Flood risk

Analysis of flood risk at different scales, with particular attention to those produced by Mediterranean fluvial systems. Hazard, vulnerability and risk mapping.

Mediterranean Hydrology in the Context of Climate Change

The particularities of Mediterranean hydrology are studied, with special attention to the functioning of watercourses and gullies, in the current context of climate change.

Meteorological hazards

This line covers the analysis, using numerical modelling, remote sensing and climate data, of the dynamic factors and processes that trigger meteorological hazards (torrential rains, forest fires and extreme temperatures) in the Mediterranean, in order to improve their prediction.

Study of heavy rainfall events. Trends of change: from resource to risk.

Study of torrential rainfall episodes, at different time scales. The episodes are studied in relation to the genetic factors that have produced them, as well as in relation to the intensification factors and their consequences, in hydrological terms. The trends of change that seem to point towards a decrease in the resource and an increase in risk are studied.