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Poster detail. Drawing of a man and a dog in a landfill
La mujer del chatarrero

13 Edition. Film Series on Human Rights

An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker

D.:Danis Tanovic. Year: 2013 Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina, France, Slovenia, Italy. Running time: 74 minutes.

Nazif is a scrap metal dealer living in Bosnia. One day, his wife is hospitalised in an emergency. But they have no health insurance and have to pay for the operation. For ten days, Nazif desperately tries to find more scrap metal to sell and appeals to various institutions, digging through heaven and earth to save his wife's life. Original version with subtitles

Free entry, limited capacity


Date 23 april 2024 at 18:30 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Sala de la Muralla. C. M. Rector Peset

Organized by

Aministia Internacional València

Col: Aula de Cinema Servei de Cultura Universitària UV.



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