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Invitación a la presentación
Book launching Els parlars valencians in Vila Joiosa

On Friday 14th February at 7:30 p.m., the book launching of Els parlars valencians (Valencian Speeches) by Vicent Beltran Calvo and Carles Segura-Llopes will take place at the University Headquarters of UA in Vila Joiosa. The act will count with the participation of bot authors and of José Carlos Gil, Councillor of the Municipality of Vila Joiosa for Linguistic Normalisation, Promotion and Use of Valencian Language.

Els parlars valencians describes, from a worthwhile field work, the linguistic richness that presents the Catalan language to the Valencian Country. The book is organised in four parts: the first shows an overview of the characteristics of the speeches described; whereas the second section classifies and describes each of the varieties studied. The third part is organised according to the traditional structure of dialectal monographs, which includes phonetics, morphosyntax and lexicon. The book ends with the Linguistic Atlas of the Valencian Languages, with 56 full coloured maps where the linguistic variations are represented geographically.  The works that have given origin to this book have been awarded with the IEC 2017 Prize of Lexicography and Onomastics Joan Coromines.


Date 14 february 2020 at 19:30 to 21:00. Friday.


UA University Headquarters in Vila Joiosa

Organized by

Publicacions de la Universitat de València.


Contact marqueting@uv.es

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