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Lecture given by Joan Romero, Professor of Geography at the UV and Director of the Próspect Comunitat Valenciana 2030 Chair.

This conference opens the fifth block of the 37th UEG dedicated to the pacts. This section will address title 17 of the SDG on global partnerships.

The SDG points out the need to build partnerships in order to achieve objectives. Based on this general idea of alliance, Joan Romero's conference will revolve around the principles of good governance, agreement and pact, which are essentially synonymous, at different scales and with different approaches.


Date 24 july 2020 at 18:00 to 19:00. Friday.


Universitat d'Estiu de Gandia Website

Organized by

Universitat de València.

International Centre of Gandia.



Contact uvgandia@uv.es

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