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¿Senderos de gloria? Las elecciones del 10N. Debate Claustre Obert. 18/11/2019. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19.00h
¿Senderos de gloria? Las elecciones del 10N

Claustre Obert


¿Senderos de gloria? Las elecciones del 10N (Paths of glory? After the November 2019 Spanish general election)

Jose Manuel Pavia Miralles (Degree in Mathematical Sciences and  PhD in Economics)

Álex Comes (Degree in Political Sciences and Journalism)

Aida Vizcaino Estevan (Degree in Political  Sciences and Sociology)

Moderated by:  Rafael Castelló Cogollos (Dep. Sociology and Social Anthropology)

Free entry, limited capacity.


Date 18 november 2019 at 19:00 to 21:00. Monday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Centre Cultural La Nau. Levante-EMV.


Contact cultura@uv.es

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