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Lavanda Ademuz
Agricultural Landscapes, Culture and Local Identity


Conference on ‘Paisajes Agrarios, Cultura e Identidad Local’. (Agricultural Landscapes, Culture and Local Identity).

Required previous free inscription: https://go.uv.es/ATLx9X0




The Summer University Rincón de Ademuz (UVRA) is one of the major initiatives that the Chair on Public Participation and Valencian Landscapes of the Universitat de València organises jointly with the vice-dean of UV Culture and Society, with the firm commitment of promoting and supporting the training and territorial culture in the Rincón de Ademuz. The seventh edition, "Paisajes agrarios: identidad y cultura local” arises with the aim to show how rural Valencian landscapes can transform their scenic, natural, cultural or patrimonial resources in products in which the economic development of the region can be based. This is an interesting opportunity that helps those places to differentiate themselves regarding their landscapes, taking advantage of the singularities that create the place’s and citizen’s character.

The UVRA is consolidated as a pioneering experience in the rural world, where the academic and the fun-cultural meet. It is an initiative designed for answering demands and questions that worry the region’s population. It has the collaboration of the Mancomunidad, the Rincón de Ademuz regions and the IES Ademuz.




9.30 h Opening.

10.00 h Opening conference “La biotecnología en el día a día (Biotechnology in the daily life). By Dr. Pedro Carrasco Sorlí.

11.15 h AgrotecUV Conference: “innovar en agroalimentación”. (Innovating in processed food). By Eva Bataller. AgrotecUV

12.30 h Agriculture Conference 2.0. By Federico Grau. Mediplant S.L.


16.00 h: Conference and practical Workshop. “¿Quieres aprender cómo cuidar tu cuello y tu espalda?” (Do you want to learn how to take care of your neck and back?) By Gemma Espí.

17.30 h Didactic trip: “Paisajes terapéuticos”. (Therapeutic landscapes). By Blanca Aparicio. Ecoaeromuz.

19.00 h “Conexión naturaleza y actividad física terapéutica suave para el sistema músculo esquelético”. (Nature connection and soft therapeutic physic activity for the musculoskeletal system). By Gemma Espí.

22.30 h Presentation of the Chair of Traditional Music and Dance of the UV. By its co-director Enric Olivares and the dance performance “Cantares Viejos de Requena” (Old Requena songs).



10.00 h Pilar Alguacil Director of the Chair on food processing Cooperatives.

11.15 h Round table of entrepreneurs.

12.30 h StartUps Uvempren Rural Presentations.

16.30 h Conference-workshop. “Primeros auxilios: en mi colegio y en ? estoy seguro” (Frist aid: I am safe at school and in ?). By Ángela Soler Sanchis of the Department of Nursing and Podology (UV) and by Carlos Iranzo García, emergency room nurse in the Arnau de Vilanova Hospital.

18.00 h Closing.



Given the public nature of the Universitat de València, the attendance to the 7th edition of the Summer University will be free.

The enrolment is open to any type of public, high-school students, university students, management technicians, unemployed and retired people.

There are 60 limited seats that will be covered by order of enrolment.

People who are interested will be able to enrol themselves in one or both modules that form this seventh edition.




ScheduleFrom 21 june 2023 to 22 june 2023. Wednesday and thursday at 09:30 to 18:00.


IES Ademuz - Av. València, 47

Organized by

Contact societat@uv.es

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